Art and its role in conveying love,truth and beauty

Nov 17, 2006 15:41

Lately I have been considering a few things and have come to this conclusion thus far:

Art is a way to communicate something inexplicable with mere conversation, by nature the things that seem to most escape us in explaination are love, truth and beauty (especially in that they are so intrinsically tied).

For myself and my own art at least I feel most "inspired" when I literally cannot explain what message it is I want to convey. I spose thats why artist's statements are such a pain. I also think this is the reason for so many pieced being called "untitled".

I believe this is why in the world today art is becoming more and more abstracted. In their distance from GOD (where love, truth and beauty are part of His very nature, and He is part of theirs) people don't have any reference.
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