Well if I didn't feel physically ill before, i do now.

Mar 06, 2012 21:28

So Kpop has definitely had it’s fair share of scandals recently. I didn’t touch on the Block B one because it pretty much blew over, I didn’t really feel I needed to say anything and I didn’t really have an opinion.

But this one with Jaejoong I need to talk about because he is - used to be my ultimate bias and I now feel absolutely sick to my stomach thinking about him. I think that says a lot.

So an audio post and translation has just been leaked of Jae hitting some sasaeng fans and swearing at them and shit. I swear there has to be a record for how many times he called them ‘dog like bitches’. I haven’t listened to the audio post as the transcript is triggering enough for me but it’s disturbing non-the less.

After thinking about it, I don’t excuse his behavior at all, but it really does sound like he had a sort of nervous break down of sorts.

I mean sasaeng fans are generally just fucking crazy but violence should never be the answer.

Idk, it’s just a hot mess for both parties involved.

But I hope if anything it opens eyes to the fact that Kpop isn’t all unicorns and rainbow vomit. Shit’s real. I mean most of it has just probably been covered up.

But I guess shit has well and truly hit the fan now. Too soon?.

What bothers me the most though in all seriousness is that is super triggering for me. I’m still shaky, nauseous and just blah because of it. Abusers all seem to use the same degrading language revolving around making the abused feel worse about themselves. I know these girls weren’t completely innocent but sinking to there level is not the solution. Plus it just reminded me of really horrible stuff.

I was going to comment on Eli being ignorant/slightly homophobic again the other day on twitter, but that pretty much seems irrelevant now.

But goodish news my braces are coming along really well.

Not so good news, falling a bit behind at school.

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