May 15, 2005 11:47
pity me. our well ran dry and then killed the pump. so i guess in a way, i have water, but i have no access to it. so i had competition yesterday, and we got 3 platinums, 1 high gold, a special award for accents and characterization for ghostbusters, and 3rd place high score in our category for ghostbusters.--[irony: my gun fell off before we even started the dance]-- I LOVE JESS!! she's so funny. and entertaining. and she let me into danceworks last night to let me pee cuz i guarantee you i was gonna pee my frickin pants. ummm. yeah i washed my face last night with a gallon jug of water and a washcloth. i felt so hick. and then of course, we go out to see the neighbors this morning and before we know it, we have my dad, carl, george, and mike pulling up the pump and stuff, using all these connections and yeah. bam! well's got water, we found that out, but they took out the only pump we had, so what if it was broken? and oooh! george's new apartment is so cute! and george-sized. and perfect for him. and he made his own bed. which is something i have yet to see about 99% of the male population do. so he gets a gold star. and OH! the waitress! in the pizza place we stopped by on our way back! was so! so! so! weird! and she told us we needed an x-large pizza, when we could have EASILY done with a regular large like we planned. think about it. next week we'll be getting up and going to competition, and i will be all zonked because prom is 6 days from now. which means i need to set up a hair appt and all that jazz. and i need to take a shower. badly. so i'm probably gonna head over to GAG's and shower. like i did yesterday only 5 hours later. woot. and i have chariot stuck in my head and i don't know why and i want it out! gah!