Jan 25, 2006 23:26
All my applications are turned in for going to Exeter next year. If I get in, I'll be abroad all next school year. It is really freaking me out. I am, in point of fact, terrified.
- 9 months in England
- Chance to see Patrick Stewart perform Shakespeare
- At least 2 weeks in Ireland
- Meet Mom's family
- Chance to travel to France, Italy, etc.
- missing my friends- sorry for not saying individual names here, but you know who you are.
- being away from my family, and not being able to call them for free
- Not getting to watch John and Jonas graduate
- spending a whole year away from John, who I only just got a chance to be friends with.
- Worst of all: A year apart from Tony.
That's the big one: a year away from him. We'll survive it, but it sure as hell won't be easy. He and I have a tough time doing two weeks, let alone 9 months. He'll be able to visit me once, about two months after I leave for England, during the winter holidays, and I won't see him again until June. That is 6 months, minimum without him. 6 freaking months. I'll put it this way: I won't be heart broken if I don't get in to Exeter. But I do want to get in. It would be an amazing experience, and Tony wouldn't let me not go if I get in. So... we'll see.