Dec 11, 2005 15:20
This is by far the hardest week of Finals I've had yet. I have to take 5 as opposed to 2 both semesters last year. And as comes with the territory the finals are harder. My "comprehensive" final in Cal 3 was 90% over the last chapter (happening to be the one I didn't know as well). So I'm praying for a miracle that ends in my passing that class. My INFO 209 final wasn't bad except that it was at 7:30 in the morning. My final in Dynamics is tommorrow morning at 8 am. My professor is notorious for making an insane final. Ugh. Then I have a comprehensive accounting final at 1 pm. That's just a lot of information. Then I have a comprehensive final in materials tuesday afternoon. The last 4 weeks of that class we had a different professor every lecture. While I have a final on my birthday, it is my last one. So it's a bittersweet day. That and I won't be a teenager anymore. ah well. Chronicle's of Narnia was great. Saw it with Elisa, Keitha, Pablo, and Lele. Heather couldn't come, understandable (it was at 9:40 in a town an hour and a half away), and Kritty got hurt (figures). Hope you feel better bud. So with those two not coming I had two extra tickets. My friends down here in College station either weren't here or they was studyin (on a friday night, it's not like we have saturday finals). So to get rid of them I gave one to Pablo and one to Lele. It was a contest on who could give theirs away first. Well, one ticket to a sold out showing is normally hard to get rid of. Eventually they decided to find a couple and give them the tickets. So they got rid of their tickets to a couple who was coming to buy tickets, so they got rid of them to the same people, though technically Lele got rid of hers first. Overall the evening was a blast. It's always good to see friends from out of town. I guess the rest of you will just have to pay your respects to my birthday separately. :-) Well it's back to not studying.