felt like adding this...

Oct 31, 2004 10:56

Name: Brandon O'Sullivan
Birthdate: May 20th, 1989
Birthplace: NY
Current Location: NY
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Dyed black (brown original)
Height: 5'9 about... i think.
Righty Or Lefty: Righty


Your Heritage: Irish
The Shoes You Wore Today: Havent put any on today...
Your Weakness: Women... yeah... :P
Your Fears: The Ring =P at night at least. The dark too i guess then, but not so much anymore.
Your Perfect Pizza: everything smashed between two pieces of bread... mmm... stuffed pizza.
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Play a show of some kind.


Your Most Overused Phrase On AIM: hehe
Your Thoughts First Waking Up: What time is it?
Your Best Physical Feature: Wouldnt know...
Your Bedtime: whenever.
Your Most Missed Memory: Being a child, so much fun, so few cares.


Pepsi Or Coke: Coke
McDonald's Or Burger King: McDonald's
Single Or Group Dates: Single
Adidas Or Nike: Adidas i guess, cause of sambas.
Lipton Ice Tea Or Nestea: Nestea
Chocolate Or Vanilla: Vanilla
Cappuccino Or Coffee: Neither


Smoke: No
Cuss: All the time
Sing: Yep
Take A Shower Everyday: sometimes two.
Have A Crush(es): Spoken for... ^_^
Do You Think You've Been In Love: No
Want To Go To College: Yesh... dont know where yet. for some kid of art.
Liked High School: Is fun ^_^.
Want To Get Married: Ahh never!
Believe In Yourself: Sometimes
Get Motion Sickness: if i'm reading and in a moving car then yes... otherwise no.
Think You're Attractive: Sometimes, others not.
Think You're A Health Freak: No way.
Get Along With Your Parents: Sometimes
Like Thunderstorms: Fun!
Play An Instrument: Guitar, Some piano, Trombone (valve), sing

LAYER SIX: In The Past Month...

Drank Alcohol: No
Smoked: Yes
Done A Drug: Never
Gone On A Date: Not really a date, been with my girlfriend though =P
Gone To The Mall?: Maybe...
Eaten An Entire Box Of Oreos: Damn... but no.
Eaten Sushi: No, i love it though
Been On Stage: No.
Been Dumped: Nope
Gone Skinny Dipping: Nope
Dyed Your Hair: Nope
Stolen Anything: No... Who are you the police?


Been Trashed Or Extremely Intoxicated: Once or twice ^^
Been Called A Tease: Dont think so...
Gotten Beaten Up: I guess i've fought, but not really beaten up =\.
Shoplifted: Nope


How Do You Want To Die: In a hail of gunfire! but seriously. With people i love.
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up: An artist
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit: Japan

LAYER NINE: present

Favourite film: Akira, Ran, Requiem For a Dream
Favourite Album: Gorillaz, Lateralus.
Book: no favorites really. LOTR probably.
Quote: None really.
Film watching: None right now.
Drink: Bud, usually.

Number Of Drugs Taken Illegally: 2 (alchohol/nicotine...)
Number Of People I Could Trust With My Life: maybe two
Number Of CDs That I Own: alot
Number Of Piercings: 0
Number Of Tattoos: 0
Number Of Scars On My Body: hm... alot
Number Of Things In My Past That I Regret: a few
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