Some Ranting

Dec 14, 2005 19:08

Well everything is winding down with finals week at the community college and my pre calc final being early. I need money in a bad way an I am on the look out for a new job. I am sick of what I do and I feel really unappreciated there, and for the rip off pay I get, it is far from worth it. I only make $7.50/hour if you are wondering. That is what an entry level person makes that needs aprons, training classes (which they have to pay you to go to), and weeks of trainging before they can be useful. Which means they slow down production when they are on the floor. I didn't require any of that. I didn't get aprons or classes or set aside extra shifts for trainging, which equals easy money. So they saved a ton of money and hassel by hiring me, yet I make no more than a new idiot standing next to me fucking up everything they are asked to do. I even trained the new people, and I have no benefits or vacation hours or personal days. And to just further annoy me, every manager at my store other then Store Manager, One of the two assistant managers, and One out of about 7 or 8 shift managers have newer numbers then me. Meaning I have been their longer then they have been. I am the oldest barista and am in the top 5 for oldest at the store and yet I don't get shit for it. Fair? hardly. Starbucks saves money off of me and I help them bring in revenue, and I get shafted. It would be one thing if I liked my job, but I don't. I am old enough to be a shift manager now, but I'm not because they don't bother to offer because they figure I am too busy to work enough hours to be one. Which is not true now that my college class is done, but I also don't know if they know that. So, we will see. I need to manage my time and then see if they will actually offer it to me.

Any ideas for a job that pays more then $7.50/hour plus tips, and is not degrading. I would love a position in a hospital, after all I am 18 now, but I have no idea what positions there are. But hell, I will file papers, I don't care.

My girlfriend is 17 now, and she is the absolute greatest. I have been thinking back on old relationships or flings or just plain situations with the opposite sex, and the more I think about it, the more I realize how good I have it. Saturday night we have a X-mas diner with friends that we are going to and then I have a surprise for her which she knows nothing about.

I find out friday if I got an A in Stats or not. I hope to God I did, or I will be so angry. The final was pretty easy and I took my time on it, so I'm hoping so.
Precalc, I should have an A if I do not bomb the final. I may know that friday as well.
Spanish, my A is steady now I think, so that leaves the final.
Gov- Senate project, which should be easy points, and if that goes well I will keep my A.
Art is the easiest A of my life.
English, there is the final and an essay due friday that I have no idea what to write about for it. I am like an 89 percent, so that I need to make sure I do well on. I got an A on my last essay but when I don't have an opinion on a topic, it makes it pretty hard to be convincing.

So, straight A's is the goal. I just hope I can keep my head above water through finals.

Track is starting soon. I am excited, and I want to get on a runway and do some real practice ASAP!

With Love,
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