Normally people sit around eating shitty food & lighting off fireworks on the 4th of July, well, this year i've decided instead to express some extreme disgust for the current regime in power of the U.S.
DO NOT insult Americans' intelligence by fucking telling us that our soldiers fighting & dying overseas are "fighting for our freedom", "fighting to keep America free", or "protecting the American way of life". That is a complete load of steaming horseshit and every last motherfucker in power or otherwise should drop dead of a fatal seizure for saying that shit.
America hasn't "fought for it's freedom" for i'd say damn near 200 years! When is the last time someone hopped on a boat or plane and tried to invade America and take it over? Hmmm, to my recollection that hasn't happened in ANY of our lifetimes. The closest we've come to "defending our way of life" was in WWII when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. But, the shitty thing about that is you know goddamn well that fucking Roosevelt KNEW that shit was going to happen and LET IT so we'd get involved in WWII. Our country at that time needed the economic boost war usually brings. But all that aside Vietnam, Korea, the Bay of Pigs, Desert Storm, the conflict in Kosovo, etc. etc. NONE of those fights were a direct threat either to our freedoms OR our way of life.
You see people in power since the dawn of time have this nifty little way of stirring up the masses with buzz words to get the public in an uproar. Nifty little catch phrases to make us think one thing when reality is something completely different. Back in the McCarthy era it was communists and the threat of communism spreading to the United States. This area's buzzword is "terrorist". In both eras people were sought out in a witch-hunt format to try and "bring these evils to the surface". The only difference being that back in the McCarthy days you still had your rights. These days the government can use circumstantial and in some cases no proof at all to hold you indefinitely should they consider you even a POSSIBLE threat.
You wanna look at an assault on the American way of life? Look no further than the president and his many cronies. The Patriot Act was just the beginning. Don't for one second think we're EVER going to get back what the Patriot Act stole away from us. The government isn't foolish enough to give us the reins to that horse back once they've taken a liking to the feel. We're all slowly becoming what we once fought so hard against. This country may not be a communist state, but notice how our rights, the buzz words, the constant squashing of dissenting opinion to the righteous religious majority is becoming more wide-spread?
Think about it, where else but in Russia would you here a phrase like "un-american"? Sounds rather reminiscent of "enemies of mother russia". Also, look at how their rights were trampled into the ground and the people in power always managed to convince them it was best for them that way. Well, America is slowly going down that road. Every day the government says, "Oh yeah, by the way, you know those rights you had yesterday? Well, for the greater good and public safety we have taken those away. Don't worry, we know what's best for you." And as long as Americans just stay complacent, as long as we just sit back in our armchairs and take it, as long as we bitch but never take action...
we WILL see an end to America as we know it, and there will be nobody else to blame but ourselves.