So livejournal just emailed me a survey since it's been so damn long since I logged in here. It's kind of sad how important LJ was to me for so long and now it's just another "myspace" that no one uses because other sites came up and took their place in popularity. LJ was where I made so many friends all over the world, where I shared my life so I can look back and think "wow, I can't believe I did that!".
In case anyone else still checks their friendpage, here's what's going on with me currently:
- Ben and I went to Japan for 3.5 weeks in May which was the BEST! We did Tokyo, Osaka, Hiroshima and Kyoto. I am so happy that I have found someone who loves travel as much as I do. We're spending a few days in New Zealand in August for Beervana (a craft beer festival) which will also be fun as I haven't been to NZ since 1999!
- We are getting married! Specifically on Halloween. There was no grand romantic gesture with a big proposal. We just discussed how I'm uncomfortable with proposals and the concept of being "engaged" and we decided together that we'd like to get married and maybe Halloween (as it falls on a Saturday this year) would be a good time for it. To be honest if we weren't having a Halloween themed wedding I don't think I'd ever wnat to bother, it's all so boring really. The theme will be "Haunted Mansion: as in the Disneyland attraction and it's going to be RIDICULOUS!
- Ben and I bought a home together 2 years ago! Well truth be told he did most of it as he planned to anyway but I pay the mortgage and helped choose our home so we call it ours :) I love out house, we only have neighbours on one side (there's a bit of bushland on the other side), there's a dog park and a lake with a lovely walk nearby, we live within 20 minutes of the city and we get to decorate it however the hell we want!
- We got another dog, a papillon we rescued from a dodgy breeder who got busted by the RSPCA. She was a few years old when we got her and had only ever lived outside with dozens of border collies, never been on a walk or held... and yet after all that she's the sweetest little girl in the world! She'll never be properly toilet trained and she's a monster on walks but they're insignificant when you consider how much love she's brought us.
Our precious little Midwich, aka Midi, aka Rabies.
Well I think that's it! I may post again sometime in the near future, maybe not. But it was nice to just write here for once.
Cara :)