It's taken me some time to write some sort of review for Lady Gaga's concerts (she had two in Brisbane and I went to both). I blame the fact immediately after that crazy weekend, I caught a bastard of a cold which is still hanging around and pissing me off. But there's also the fact I needed a few days to come down from the high I felt from seeing her live.
I am a big fan of Lady Gaga and have been since I first heard about her and saw her perform "Just Dance" for Miss Universe 2008 before she really took off here in Australia. I was intrigued by her look, what music inspires her and the song itself which I thought was an awesome catchy pop song. Within no time the song was a huge hit in Australia and so anyone who thought themselves better than the masses who choose what songs appear in the charts declared her as a one-hit wonder and rubbished her. I've remained a loyal an and defended her defiantly whenever moron's had something stupid to say about her, her music or those ridiculous rumours that kept popping up.
Suffice to say I was very excited about her proper tour of Australia as I wasn't willing to waste my money seeing the Pussycat Dolls (I'm really not a fan of theirs to out it mildly) just to see her supporting them. I'd only planned to go to the first show on the Friday night but a couple of days before the date I suddenly got the bright idea that I should go to both of her shows (not something I put much thought into, resulting in a few heart attacks and a lot of money spent thanks to most people on ebay being complete morons) which meant my dilemma of not having anything wear was immediately doubled! Though thankfully it was also easily resolved.
I could go into a lot of lavish and descriptive detail about every part of her show, especially since seeing it twice meant I saw a lot of stuff I missed on the first night, but that would be boring and isn't quite the point of today's blog. You see, I was a little bit worried Lady Gaga was going to be all Gwen Stefani on me (I saw Gwen's last concert and it was just dreadful, I loved her in No Doubt but as a solo singer she's terrible and her show wasn't very impressive at all). But I quickly discovered Lady Gaga is an amazingly talented woman! Not only are her songs great but she's a fantastic singer! We're talking about belting out he words without ever dropping a note, being able to sing some opera-style stuff and even did a gorgeous little showtune ditty! Her costumes were more amazing than you could ever, EVER imagine (the one up top is the most magnificent thing I ever laid eyes on - it all moved by itself, I kid you not!). She's not the best dancer in the world but she danced just enough to look good without getting all Britney Spears on us. She played the piano in various ways, including one that was on FIRE and a few keytar's to boot. She even played double bass! The set was fantastic and the transitions between the set/major costume changes were almost my favourite bit of the whole show (projected images of her on a white screen with thumping house music - some of the most divine and artistic imagery I've ever seen). The whole show had a storyline which tied everything together while also creating a real stage-show feel to the whole thing. And last, but certainly not least, girl has a GREAT ASS! Lemme tell you, I'd never wear pants either if I had a butt that good!
All in all she exceeded my expectations and thrilled the hell out of me. I had to endure weeks of teasing prior to the show from friends who refuse to accept the fact she's any good and think I'm pathetic for loving her so much, but now I laugh in their faces and say "you have NO fucking idea what you missed out on". I only wish I could have taken the doubters with me to show them how great she is, because it would have blown their minds and I would have received a thousand apologies from all of them. And if you don't believe me,
check out this awesome review by Obnoxious Owl which only strengthens my point!
Check out the rest of my photos here!