Life is busy, mostly thanks to all these damn posters!

May 07, 2008 23:21

Aw man I've become one of those horrible people who needs more hours in the day (god they're so smug with their many things to do and not enough time to do them in). I hardly even procrastinate any more either D: I get up, go to work for 9 hours, go to gym which takes up at least 90 mins (including travel time), come home and eat, get on the computer and work on the graphic design stuff I need to do...and then suddenly it's almost midnight and I've done nothing interesting AT ALL!

OK enough whinging, have a picture of me and Daz (and his girlfriend Anne) at the Caxton Street Seafood Festival...right before we'd had enough of drunk, old people:

And while I'm at it, I'll also post the latest posters/fliers I have made:

This poster was the source of MANY temper tantrums. I actually almost yelled "I HATE YOU" like a precocious teenager at one point. I mean I can laugh now but there were tears at the time :/
REGARDLESS I love how it looks so he can suck my balls. He asked for a comic look since my "Sin City" birthday invite was such a hit and I thought this was pretty clever (actually the original design had a sexy, bikini-clad girl in it but then I was made to use pictures of the DJs...which actually ended up looking better...but shhhh). I also wished I could have kept it the original bright yellow but it was "too bright" apparently. PFFT!

My workmate Dallas loved what I did for the Dusk poster so I made her birthday party invite in the same style. I couldn't love this one any more! I could use this style forever and a day (but I won't because then I'd get fired and stuff).

This one has taken me AGES to do and I HATE IT! I don't know what to do with it and so I hope they like it so I can be rid of it! Kim and I have both being doing this project and I believe we're both feeling the same about the whole thing. I don't know why, but doing posters for events is just so much easier and less infuriating. Oh well, fingers crossed it's approved!

I really, really do not want to go to work tomorrow. No reason, I'd just rather stab myself in the face with a blunt pencil than go to work tomorrow morning D:

graphic design, photos

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