Black Sheep which was pretty good, though nothing will ever compare to
Brain Dead when it comes to Kiwi "schlock" horror films. I also bought some leggings and a skirt I so didn't need. But hey, the leggings had little white bat buttons on them, I couldn't resist!
Saturday mum and I met up with Erin to get something for Fathers Day and my dad's birthday which is on the 10th *grumbles* The most uncreative gifts we've ever gotten him but it's sort of come to that point now. he's a bit of a grumpy old man these days :( Mum dropped me home in the afternoon, where we got to see the four Roulette plans flying around buildings in the city for Riverfire. It was rad.
Saturday evening I went to Jen's housewarming (a friend from SG) where we watched Riverfire from her back porch, it was an amazing, perfect view of the Story Bridge. It was fun, those guys are all such lovely people and are all into Harry Potter and the same weird music as me. Rad! Though by midnight I decided I'd head home. Then things started getting crap. I went and locked my bloody keys in my car so I had to sit around waiting for Anthony to let me into the flat, and since we'd had an argument earlier I was really annoyed about this. Meanwhile Daz, Flip and Cass came by and convinced me to come out with them for a bit, so I changed and headed out. But then when faced with having to pay $15 to get into a club I realised I might as well save my money and go home like the original plan. Anthony thought I was mad at him again, so followed me home. Where we had another argument and I became hysterical. What can I say, living with him ain't easy and I'd had enough at that point, more than enough in fact. Daz came around to cheer me up for a bit but I sent him of again to keep partying so I could go to bed and end that awful night.
I think it was 4am when Anthony woke me up to apologise profusely for how he's been lately and how he's been treating me so we cuddled together the rest of the night, which was actually really nice. He tries, what can I say.
Sunday I finally had my first Rebel Belles photoshoot with Iyan which I think went well. Too bad I'm still a bit of a fat bitch and need to lose a lot more weight :\ But we got some good shots, so I'm happy. It only took about two months for us to get this shoot done too, so thank fuck it's over! Now we just have to get the DJ one over and done with D:
And that was my weekend, essentially. Oh yes Anthony and I watched Dodgeball and did the povest grocery run you could ever imagine. Fuck this money situation, seriously. I can't wait til I get my tax return so I can sort everything out financially. The sad thing is, my lack of funds isn't really to do with me. But that's another tale which I'll save for another day.
Today marked my first full month at Nightlife. It'd pretty good though there's still so much to learn. I've never had a job where I need to know so freaking much. Well I am an account manager who also does tech support and music of those things on their own is full-on enough as is. Bring on the time where I can sit and do everything on my own. Oh, and when I get my own Nightlife system for home. OH YEAH!
I went to gym tonight as I had an early shift and was able to get to my favourite class, which I haven't been able to do for ages. And I managed to hurt my hip and back so I'm in absolute agony right now. If I didn't know better I'd swear I was an old woman, because damn if I don't ache like one. I also had a singing lesson tonight which wasn't great. Thank god my singing teacher is fantastic, otherwise I would have given up a long time ago. I need to practice a lot more but I only ever seem to think of it at times where singing is completely inappropriate. Nice!
Oh, and thanks everyone for their comments on my last f-locked entry. It's been sorted, and hopefully won't ever happen again. All your advice was very much appreciated, though I hope I don't have to resort to the more extreme stuff. I'm hoping both parties in this stupid situation can move on. God knows I have.
EDIT: Oh yeah, Die Ärzte have a new single coming out, which means a new album, which means new press photos. HELLO BOYS! If I could work out how to use ImageReady again I'd have an annoying, flashy icon on this post. Well, a new one anyway!