I've started a new journal,
I'm pretty sick of lj right now, so I just basically want to phase this journal out. I'm going to keep
diemydawny alive for a while, but I won't be posting much, if at all. I plan on keeping
not_picking_up private for the most part, and posting public photo entries and random shit every once in a while. I don't plan being very update-y with it, though.
There will be no friends-only entries on
not_picking_up; if I have something to say that I only want my friends to see, I'll email them. So, if you see that I've posted, but you can't read it, it's because it's just for me; it's just private thoughts. I may write about you, but that doesn't mean what I type isn't glowing. It doesn't mean it isn't terrible, either, but that's life. Keeping a written diary is annoying me, so I'd rather just have one place where I can keep it online for archiving's sake.
I would like to stop using this journal altogether in a while; there's just something about the this-ness (and i can't think of how else to explain it right now) of it that's pissing me off and reminding me of bad shit... So I'd appreciate if you'd add
not_picking_up if I'm on your friendslist with this, so that I don't have to log in back and forth all the time.
The end!