(no subject)

Jun 28, 2006 18:05

So yeah,
I just got back from seeing Superman.

My thoughts?
My friend Craig and I are REALLY big supermam fans, so we were going into this movie with the highest expectations. I mean come on?!!? Superman 2006?! FUCK YEAH!
Over all it was a good movie. Special effects were top knotch, Superman was a total babe (And trust me, thats reason enough to see it, ladies... And some gentlemen)
It had comedic moments and sad sappy love moments (come on we all know superman is just a love story anyways)
But the ending was really bad.
It just sucked.
Lame lame lame.
The ending of a movie should always be the best part! Its what people are going to remember the most and so I was left sitting in the theatre thinking "woah, this movie completley blew ass..." But then a little while later I was thinking about the whole movie (and about just how hot Superman was, hah) and I thought, "it wasnt a bad movie, it was acctually really good, just the ending wasnt what I expected... to be good, snap!"

SO my conclusion about Superman,
Go see it! Its worth the 12 bucks. If you have high expectaions, lower them. Its just another Superman movie, but with the effects we have now, its way cooler! Esp on a big screen....
And hes really really really hot...

Damn hes hot.
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