Why zombies?

Jul 29, 2006 09:49

Woke up at 5:45 from a nightmare about zombies. They started out like ordinary people, then pimply looking things would sprout on their foreheads. Naturally, about three secons later they went for your throat. I seem to have spent hours running round San-Fernando with other non-zombies, trying to find a safe place. Most disturbing.

I need coffee

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Comments 4

817 July 29 2006, 15:21:51 UTC
Too much X-Files?


diemme July 29 2006, 16:09:37 UTC
I haven't watched it all week :(


miman July 29 2006, 15:29:00 UTC
Did you kow that blow-fish poison is used to make zombies in Haiti? The neuro-toxin leads to the paralysis of the body, but the brain is alert and it's like being a corpse, yet alive.


diemme July 29 2006, 16:10:53 UTC
Yes, that creeps me out. My dream zombies were more "Dawn of the Dead" like than submissive, obedient minions.


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