...rain is falling, looks like love

Apr 03, 2005 01:10

Oh man, Stars was great! They put on a really good show. The opening band was Apostle Hustle and they were OK, but a bit boreing. Stars didn't even come on 'till 11, so I'm really glad we didn't get there 'till 10. Anyway, the guy singer plays trumpet and some weird recorder-looking thing and is really short, and the chick singer plays guitar. The keyboard player was wearing this weird space-man like jacket, and the bass player was wearing a tie and sweater-vest. The other guitar player was REALLY tall and I couldn't see the drummer. They also had a chick violinist on some of the songs which was cool.

They opened with "Your Ex-lover is Dead". They also played "Elevator Love Letter", "Set Yourself on Fire", "Reunion", "Ageless Beauty", "The Big Fight", "What I'm Trying to Say", "One More Night", "Sleep Tonight", "The First Five Times", "He Lied About Death", "Soft Revolution", "Calendar Girl", "Heart", "Look Up", "What The Snowman Learned About Love" and one disco-y song I didn't recognize.

"This is a song about fucking someone in order to kill them."

Fan: "Look Up!"
Singer guy: "Alright, alright! We'll play "Look Up" Jesus Christ!"
Another fan: "What the Snowman Learned About Love!"
Singer guy: "Yeah, what about that?"
Singer girl: "Alright, my babies, this is our last song for-"
Singer guy: "No it's not! It's our second-to-last song. Now we have to play "Snowman" too!"

And they did! Kick-ass!
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