Secret Agent Yvonne reporting for birthday updating duty, sir! *snappy salute*
*giggles* I'm in a silly mood today, obviously. It's anticipating good food mood because my daddy's making roast beef with roast pumpkin, carrots and potatoes. Oh, and yorkshire pudding. Dad studied in England for uni and so he's got the whole English thing going on. Good for me!
Ok, anyway. Birthday.
I was up at 6:49, bleary-eyed with a severe lack of sleep. Meh. Sleepy schmeepy, it was a great start to the day. I don't know if I've told you yet but I love being up when the sun's still getting its act together and because chilly morning air is different from normal chilly air. I might be over-romanticising it, but I still love it!
My sister's got her driving license now, so I left the car with her and was planning to get a lift with Dad. Too bad he heard me going to bed the night before (at around 3:30am, if you have to know) and figured I'd need more sleep and so didn't wake me up. If I missed my exam, I would've cried. No matter because I was in and out of the shower with plenty of time to eat and catch the bus in. Did I tell you it was raining too?
It rained on my birthday. *happy dance*
So I got to appreciate the rain and it's a good thing I got there early because they'd changed the venue. Who does that, anyway? But the exam (Linguistics, ick) went... urgh, I just hope that he'll be lenient. After that, I went and sent thank you online text messages to my friends because my phone had run out of credit. :( And then my sister came and we had lunch together. Food wasn't all that great but that's ok.
Then we hung around uni and then the city (because that's where the bus interchange is and only 10 mins walk from campus. Score!) and bought a double choc cookie for my sister to bribe my brother with. You know... "If you're good, you get this. *waves cookie out of reach*". And then I went to work.
Utterly bizarre: one of the girls asked me when my birthday was. Out of the blue. No linkage to anything. And so I had to tell the truth and got dragged to the middle of the room and sang at. *cheeks like fire engine*
After work, I came home and had spaghetti bolognese with fruit salad that my brother made. Yep. One day, he'll own a restaurant and I'm going to eat there for free. I'd better! And then I settled in for a good long night of study, seeing as I had a Chinese exam the next morning.
6.30pm. Knock at the door.
Me: *poised to open door*
Mum: Wait! You gotta check who it is first.
Me: *eye roll*
Mum: Who is it?
James: Uhhh... Sorry, Auntie.
Me: It's just James, Mum.
Mum: Oh.
He got me a Borders gift card! EEEEK! If I were any other girl (except maybe you ladies), this would probably not be the best thing you could get your girlfriend. But me + books = love. And then he stayed til 11 - we watched The Devil Wears Prada and I fell asleep on him. Oops. You should've heard him when the movie ended, though. "What?! It ends like that? That's not an ending! It can't... Yvonne? Wake up." And then we had cake with my parents and brother (sister was at work) - mango cheesecake. Yum. Except for Dad, all of us picked the dollop of cream off our slices. I slept at 4. So dead on Saturday. Exam the next morning was alright. Everyone found it really hard, so that's ok.
Also got:
- pink Parker ballpoint pen from two of our youth leaders (they're going out. I want James and I to be like them when we grow up. Respect.)
- chocolate brownies as a placeholder from my bestie (yes, I'm a diet. So what?). She gave me a dress for my birthday (as well as a homemade scarf and buying me dinner. I think brownies are too much already.)
- compilation cd from one of the boys I give a lift to from church. So cool. I love people making stuff for me. Thought and effort.
Even though I got way less attention and a whole lot more stress this birthday, I was happier. it's because overall, I'm more content this year, I think. I've found my niche. Or at least, that's what I thought and then last night I had a dream.
Setting: Uni. Over quite a few days, weeks, even.
Characters: James, other bint, me.
Mood: Not happy at all.
I don't know what prompted this particular dream but even though the events that happened in the dream definitely didn't happen in real life, my feelings? Exactly the same as last year. Feeling neglected? Check. Feeling lost and out of place? Check. Seeing James with another girl p.r.e.t.t.y. often? Check. Thinking that he was going to dump me any minute for her? Uh-huh.
Obviously I was a paranoid freak, right? But at the moment, I had quite a bit supporting my feelings. For one, I wasn't as busy last year as I am now and after the crazy year that was Year 12, all that spare time drove me insane, pretty much. I'm one of those people who need to have a pretty definite purpose for everything. Back to the point, one of his best friends (his words not mine. Best friend? Boy, you don't call me things like that.) was a girl and in her first year of law just like him. Which meant that they naturally spent a lot of time together. We... didn't. It also didn't help matters that she was drop-dead gorgeous and Asian (my boyfriend only dates Asian girls, have I told you? Crazy. If Tom Felton asked me to go out with him, James wouldn't stand a chance.), perfect complexion, smart. And he went to Sydney to visit her during the holidays. When I was here. *is disbelieving still* Whatever. Don't forget that I spent most of the year feeling inadequate compared to his ex-girlfriend. She's gorgeous too. And I think she weighs less than 40kg. Do the math. 88lbs?
Meanwhile, he's going out with me and sending me home every Wednesday and falling asleep on my couch because he's constantly not getting enough sleep. And I'm still on a diet even though he changes his tune about me needing to exercise after one of our conversations ends with me close to tears. Pfffffttttt. And then she breaks up with her boyfriend about the time that everything sorta blew up in my face (see
here and
here.) But now, we just don't speak of his ex and the other girl moved back to Sydney so he doesn't see her very often anymore. Does this mean that I still have issues; I just don't have concrete issues because there's no one to have issues over?
Dream last night. For some reason, I'm at uni studying at this big long table and the only other people there are James and this girl. Studying together. Being all giggly together. And I think I make a snippy comment and he pulls me aside to tell me that I'm stalking him and not being fair and not nice things like that. I'm pretty much in tears after that. Scene change and we're in church now. (Bizarre. My life-like dreams always are.) And they're once again being couple-y. This time, I leave the room and the other girls walk out of the kitchen and are all "Yvonne, why do you put up with this? This is not fair. He should not be like this with another girl." And so I'm just about to walk back in and serve him his arse on a platter when my alarm rings. Thank goodness for that. Dreams suck.
It's after dinner now. I am so full. URGH. Diet back on track.. now.
EDiTED (because livejournal screwed with my paragraphs.) *huff*