Roll Credits: Written and Directed by Quentin Tarantino

Jan 01, 2021 17:34

I always say I wanted to write here more. I'll be keeping good on that, because this month, I'll be backlogging from my journal - a journal of my plague year (if I recall, there's a setting where it won't flood your feed). When the plague struck, and I began realizing all future events would be canceled until further notice, I used my planner book as a daily diary. I think it's the first time since my early 20s that I've kept a diary. I bought another for this year (significantly smaller - it was the only one I liked that was a single year beginning in January). I don't know if I'll transfer that one here, too. Maybe batch some backlogs on occasion.

I've got plans for 2021, of course, but I'm not calling them resolutions. I currently have only one New Year's Resolution: to always wear shoes during the day. I'm not sure why, but I discovered this fucking late in my existence that just wearing shoes helps me stay active and eager to get things done or just go outside. I've always taken my shoes off inside. I like to have my feet up, tucked under me on the couch. Compact. Cozy. But that coziness turns so quickly to laziness. I don't want to get up to do even the simplest things, like get the remote for the tv or get myself a glass of water. Plus, if there's crap or clothes on the floor, my shoes will get tripped up in it. Extra motivation to do something about it. I am determined to keep my shoes on this year. So fucking stupid. But hey. Whatever works.

My plans include self-made, self-structured classes. Not real classes. But I've always done better at getting personal creative and educational goals completed when I have a class structure. I've created a schedule, included exercise in it, and start on Monday. It includes my main project goal: learning Toon Boom Harmony - a popular animation program. Other things include blocking out time for zine work, languages (French and Swedish, though I may switch up from Swedish), learning my ukulele and bass, continued learning of Dante, crafts (honing, learning new things, and study), and daily sketch, journaling, and penmanship practice.

I didn't succeed in many things I set out to accomplish in 2020, but did in others. I threw my No-Buy challenge out the window very soon after shutdown, but still kept a log of spending. I gave up exercising a little over halfway through the year, but still did active VR gameplay to keep from slugging about (and spoke with a nutritionist a few times - she was no help, because I'd done everything she could suggest). The list of things I wanted to learn in 2020 changed completely. I did learn lots of new things, though, mainly about plants.

I sort of made more art. I mean, I did, but a a bunch of it was art under a pseudonym, and some animation stuff (3 animations!), and I focused on zine-work; specifically, a collaboration zine of my own, with random people from Discord. I made art for each of the three we put out (so far), and contributed under MORE pseudonyms when the actual contribution list needed padding.

I guess another resolution should be to be more organized. I've prepared notebooks and sketchbooks and reading material for the things I want to learn. Put them in one place. And I started a notebook - a single notebook, not a half-dozen like always, where I will write plans for all these things. Other notebooks are "class" specific, like the sketchbooks, penmanship, and French (for vocabulary).

I've got my first month planned for the class stuff. I just really hope I can keep up with it. I'll be making public posts on FB etc with specifics for accountability purposes.
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