I...I'm not sure what to do. I've never had someone call me Cyndi Lauper before.

May 12, 2010 09:50



I have so much brain Jell-O going on right now. I thought I could handle the back to back finals of Tuesday. I apparently could not. Neverrrrr againnnnn. Plus there was the additional 7:30AM final of today. I can't even tell if I did well on them. What fail.


I only have writing left (which is kind of a joke and I half expect her to bring cookies in or something) and that's tomorrow EVENING. THANK YOU, WHICHEVER DEITY GAVE ME THIS SMALL MERCY. GIVE ME AN INDICATION OF WHICH ONE YOU ARE AND I'LL SACRIFICE SOMETHING TASTY TO YOU.

For those of you that would like to see my toaster-licious final project for web development (which I apparently always spell with too many e's), you can click over here, at least until I take the bitch down and put something else up. Because all Ithaca College web development and design students apparently have their own little web host. I had no idea. Amazing. I wonder how long I'll have access to it. Probably not for very long.

Also, last Sunday, I saw A Town Called Panic with Greg (the Cornellian Grad Student). It was very French. And very weird. Because the French don't look up. Really. Click the link for the trailer; it's ridiculous. An awesome. I will own it someday.

random as hell shit, school, brain jell-o, i kind of really need a movies tag

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