The Notebook of Trigorin (aka YET ANOTHER SHOW)

Mar 04, 2010 08:50

semi-hiatus until after strike on Sunday!

Call is at 6pm, and we've been getting out around 11:40pm. Fucking show. If this holds, I will try to be online after they start at 8 and until the show's over at 11ish, but I can't make promises as the theatre wireless is damn unreliable. IF I AM NEEDED, an email would be best, and if it is super URGENT, most of the Trinity Blood cast (as well as a few others) have my cell phone number. I love texts.

If the wireless quits on my laptop, I'll still be checking email and be gchattable via phone, but it'll be slow. This affects Radu Barvon, Kakimoto Chikusa, Shimizu Raikou, Shirou Kamui, Junael, Johnny Rayflo, Benten, Gilbert Nightray, trcKamui, and Orihara Izaya.

player notice

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