
Apr 02, 2007 08:47

Something wrong: Shigure, Ayame
Wraeththu poll: Pell
Platonic (rape) tea: Seth, Michael, Albert, Abel
Found: one toolbox: Giles
Cher's birthday: Cher
Rabi's woodchucks: Rabi, Seth, Euphie, Sakuraba, Dietrich
Ros' s body language tape
Axel and Tomo's ads: Tomo
Dietrich's getting bossed around: Dietrich, Itachi, Albert
Day in Life of post: Cal, Itachi, Dietrich, Shigure, Pell, Setsuna, Cher, Kazahaya, Wednesday, Giles, Jennifer, Momoko, Maladict, Shunsui, Seth, Euphie, Subaru, Nagi, Suigintou, Matsumoto, Rosalyn, Kino

Ikkaku's not!naked: Ikkaku, Abel, Seth
Yachiru's meet new people! post: Yachiru, Dietrich
genderswitched Mika: Mika
Tolle's reading: Tolle, Yuujirou
Hellboy's cabin moving: Abel
I AM A SWORD: mocking Albert
Dream post: Abel, Abel2, Maladict, Seth
Vore Post: Abel, Albert, Pell, Euphie, Dietrich, Seth, Maladict
Checkin on Pell in Hospital: Pell
Anon post: Shirley (as anon), Dietrich (anoned-but-knows), Seth (revealed)
Adopt a Sociopath: Mikuru, Setsuna
Library post: Albert, Francescu, Hellboy, Euphie, Judas, Cher, Hisoka, Michael, Austin, Dietrich, Kino, Toph, Lady, Shigure, Soubi, Lazlo, Yuujirou, Luc, Abel, Pell, Ros

Blanketfic: Seth
srs poll--WHO WOULD YOU DO: Ikkaku, Albert, Dietrich [Seth, Rabi, Shigure, Euphie, Abel, Crowley]
hiatus SMASH: Yachiru, Albert
Mini-Abel: Abel, Seth, Euphie
Ticky v Radu: Seth (commentator), Ticky
Dead body in Simon's office: Simon, Rabi, Albert

~mikuru, ~crowley, ~kazahaya, ~albert, ~hisoka, ~dietrich, ~yachiru, ~luc, ~soubi, ~simon, ~lazlo, ~yuujirou, ~rosalyn, ~lady, ~ayame, ~subaru, ~suigintou, ~matsumoto, ~momoko, ~seth, ~hellboy, ~shigure, ~sakuraba, ~ticky, camp activity, ~rabi, ~cher, ~shunsui, ~shirley, ~giles, ~itachi, ~jennifer, ~abel, ~michael, ~judas, ~cal, ~ikkaku, ~toph, ~euphie, ~maladict, ~pell, ~tolle, ~tomo, ~kino, ~austin, ~setsuna, ~nagi, ~wednesday, ~francescu

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