OMFG FUN SHIT!!!!! YAY!!!!!!

Apr 10, 2005 22:27

This fucking weekend saved my spring break. It was so fucking great!!!

Friday afternoon Jimmah! picked me up and we drove to GSU, we never did anything uder 80, we averaged 95-100, it was great. When we arived we met up with stephen gibbons and jake, and they gave me a tour of the area, like where the good places were to eat and were to get beer. then i got to hear turtle's(stephen) band practice, they aren't tht bad. then we started getting ready for the party. it was McKindly's 21 b-day. at about 8 the frist keg arived, so we put it on ice. at about 10 the tapped the frist keg. beer so bad tasting. but thts when the party really started, we ended up with 2 kegs and i don't even know how gallons of hunch punch(ask me if you want to know wht tht is). i had a few cups of beer. then a pretty good amount of cups of hunch punch, i was so fucking gone it was great, we had a live band at the party(turtle's band). there was well over 60 ppl at tht party, sooooo many hot chicks it was great. robert clark showed it was cool to see him again. the only disapointment was that i only got one girl to flash, so only one set of tits. we left the party at like 2-3.

woke up sat. the real reason i had come down was to try out for the GSU pit but we woke up to late, oh damn, not really. i wasn't to worried tho. we went to the GSU vs GSU football game and drank more beer, in the stands. more fun. ate pizza for lunch and dinner, but tht caused my mouth to hurt so i took a hydrocodone, which meant i couldn't drink any more, which is just as well, but tht stuff makes me feel so weird, hard to explain, and it keeps me up, so i play WOW until i think 3-4. great game

sunday we left after eating at this amazeing japanese place, ohh god such great food. me and jim jim listened to metallica all the way back. my rents got home 2 hours after i did, they had visted family, we went out to eat, so i took another pain killer, which made it kinda interesting to type this, but now the pain is comeing back but the side affects are still here, hmm i might take another.

all i know is tht calcus is go to be interesting when i'm in this shape tomorrow, ahh, shit i needed to read my book, and i "forgot" lol, ohh well, i'll read it some time

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One more medicated peaceful moment
One more medicated peaceful moment
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