Mar 20, 2005 22:04
Well its been a while since I have lat updated
my weekend was nice Thursday night(we had friday off) me rummel and mike got drunk. tht was so much fun. I mean we had to it was saint patty day, so we took some for the Irish team. Then we called everybody we knew and left some pretty funny ass messages, cause most ppl didn't answer due to it being 2:30 am. Srry to all we called, i hope we didn't offend anybody and if we get over it it was said by drunk ppl so it means nothing. I also bit the fuck out of rummel's ribs, dumb fuck jumped on me. Srry dude.
Then friday was nice cause i didn't have to go to school, wht did i do friday, umm...ummm FUCK! I can't remember, damn it, this is wht i get for waiting so long before up dateing, well i remember one thing, how dumb parents can be. mine decided to clean the garage starting at 9:30 pm i mean WTF, and if any of you have seen my garage you know that is no easy task, my dad got some new metal table and he wanted to put it up so he could stack the shit that was on the old one on the new one, it still doesn't make sence, it didn't make any more room.
Saturday was simple i just slept and played games, just nice and relaxing
Sunday I didn't go to church because we went to see some family at their churchs get together, i got to see most of the my family that live in Ga, which only a small percent, but still a big number, There was a good many ppl there alot of which i didn't know, but some i wish i did because damn they were hot. after tht i went back home got ready and then left to go to my church for choir then did some prayer labyrinth, long pretty nice, very calming.
Well I'm out see yall at school tomarrow. later