so tonight i went to remembering never,
it was so awesome...its what i like to casll my 1st real hardcore show. the fight dancing was insane and of course i had to throwdown with those crazy know im ussualy realy passive but when it comes to that i went crazy and got catch up in the moment and started floor actualy punching the floor and now my hands are all swollen and shit...not bleeding though...i guess they swell before they bleed. also since im so passive teh hardcore scene kinda pisses me off because everyone is such an assholke and only cares about themselfs. oh nad i got my bandana stolen by some random guy and then remembering never went on and the guy that stole it was teh drummer...imagien taht...fucking prick. all and all good night...scasry as hell but good...oh nick got punched in the face and his nose like was bleeding but it all built up in there and now nick is thick nick..thanks to lance for the name. there were these baddass girls throwing down and it was crazy cuz i almnost felt like a pussy compared to them cuz they were crazy...all teh bands were pretty sweet they were all crazy straight edge bands...and man those guess love to swerar...its like there compinsating for not doing drugs by swear so damn much and telling everyoine to go fuck themselfs....
so yeah i had a badass night