Feb 24, 2011 00:18
I think this evening's Transformers Table Top went very well. It took a bit of getting used to GMing and we had a bit of a slow start but I think everyone had fun. Ed and Andy D certainly seemed to! More fun next week. Russ or Ed get to interrogate Ratbat. Feedback, of course, is welcome as Ive not GMed much and I want to keep everyone entertained and to have fun.
On a differant note...
I've been keeping a food diary for the past month/six weeks and noting my mood, energy levels etc against what Im eating. Basically the last three weeks Ive been eating a lot better, getting around 2K calories per day, virtually no carbs, lots of protein, green veg but not enough good fats - more fish in the diet therefore - and not enough fuel for working out (pre and post workout shake and a banana basically), hence the running out of energy very rapidly. So more slow release fueld, higher protein to boost recovery etc. Ive also gone mostly cold turkey on Tea and Caffeine which is too to dry and detox and just drink plain water. One doesnt realise one is a chain tea drinker until you count how many cups you have in a day. That....scared me.
I'm currently aiming to drop a Body Fat % from 17 to about 13-14 in the next six weeks which should be doable if I keep on training hard every day and keep the diet good to get my metabolism high. I can honestly say due to a low carb diet I feel alot less sluggish and brain farty. I can feel a differance in terms of mood etc but not see one....yet.