Seventeen tone piano project phase three Done. It seemed to be all my friends/people who humor me and are humored by me, and exactly one person I didn't know. Funtimes. Half-assery, in my opinion. I was mister jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none, playing borderline-passable slide whistle, udderbot, trombone, and piano, and being a silly
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I have to demur on a couple of your assessments here: A. It's not for nothing that you're the only udderbo's'un on the planet. It's hard to imagine mediocre udderbotting from you -- I'd need impartial witnesses to accept that characterization; B. The way you coaxed me to finish a piece beyond all reasonable deadlines AND gathered a disparate group of willing accomplices to in less than 24 hours give it three rehearsals and a premiere (it did happen, right?) was nothing if not masterful -- trombone shmombone , it's a quintet for noise monsters and I can't imagine you all failed to deliver at least that. A group of your friends is the audience I was hoping for, and if Eliot is the only person who actually enjoyed himself, well, that's an accomplishment of unknown worth, but some kind of accomplishment, n'est pas?
I look forward to the day when, sitting in each other's presence, outside on a mild evening sipping experimental non-alcoholic concontions, maybe listening to excerpts of the three concerts, we can reflect on the whole project. I'm also looking forward to the recording to hear what was wrought, own up to responsibility, close that loop. Can you email me the program?
THANKS to you and everybody.
Happy 31-toning!
(It did happen!
Otherwise, I'm giddily speechless in the face of this comment.
The x's of roughness and $'s of smarminess were surprisingly clear. The harmonics were a surprise.
I'm too tired to write more now, but this recording is really helpful for thinking of what to tweak, and it shoes the degree of committed presence you all put into something the reasons for which may have seemed ... obscure.
The other when you put up a post with 'fonala' as you current music, and did a search and found only websites in Hungarian
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