i'm sorry we're all out of

Feb 05, 2007 05:41

"So here are the anarchies, various flavors, y'know, eco-anarchist...anarcho-primitivist...eco-anarcho-primitivist... And then the Marxist ones are behind you-"

"Ok I see, well, hmm... I- I just remember that I'm never comfortable in manifestos... do you have anything that's not a manifesto?"

"Not a manifesto? What do you mean, like a prejudice? I can check in the back if we still have-"

"*sigh* No, not a prejudice. I mean do you have anything that doesn't make an overly bold generalization? Or...something?"

"Oh, like this I'm-too-chicken-to-take-a-stand-for-anything over here?"

"Hmm. Maybe. What else?"

"Let's see...here's an agnostic one...as manifestos go, deliciously self-referential, if you know what I mean."

"Oh, I do, hehe, but, ehhh..."

"Annnnddd...here's an I'm-too-busy-to-bother-with-ideologies-"

"Nonono, that...that's sort of the opposite of what I had in mind.  Do you have anything...heuristic?"


"Like, something I can alter in all sorts of ways when I need to."

"Wait- why would you need to alter it?"

"If my desires changed- wait, no, if my desires stayed the same but there appeared better ways to meet them..."

"You could always come back...or get a few different ones if you can't decide."

"No!  I shouldn't have to choose.  Wait, maybe- lemme try this way - my desires are like questions that can be answered in a huge variety of ways.  I mean hundreds of ways."

"Sure, they're alternatives and yadda yadda yad-"

"So I want to choose the question, not the answers."

...so you want to... go around...naked?"

"No! I was just wondering if you had anything-"

"I better go get the manager..."
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