Mar 18, 2004 10:29
thank you live journal
now that im getting hate mail from chesty's friends i can now triumphantly bring my search for an internet battle to an end. i finally found some fucking dolt who has nothing better to do than argue with a computer. i love how all her little friends blatantly ignore the fact that shes the one who stuck her foot in her mouth and fed me some sorry bullshit while at the same time ranting and raving about "high school drama" in her live journal.
of course, you may think, kelly-why dont you just let this die? its the internet. why dont you say somethign to chesty's face? blah blah blah. well, personally i think this is much more fun. i dont really care wat some cunt from winchester has to say to or about me. if she wants to whine about her problems and make me seem like a horrible person i really dont care. say watever the fuck you want about me. it just goes in one ear and out. if i lose a chance at making any good frinds becuz of this crap then too fucking bad. idont need to waste my time with people who are gonig to hate me and not even know who i am. all those people know is wat that beast feeds them about me. ya know, i think im a likable person. i think im a nice person. i think people can easily get along with me. but, if you wanna fuck with me then bring it on, cuz i wont let it die on your behalf.
oh kelly yer such a fucking dork. look at all this crap yer rambling about. oh why dont you say these things to rachels face?
personally id love to.
but the effort seems too difficult. yes im a very lazy person. thats why i spend so much time on teh computer you fucking idiot.
all in all, you wanna hate me, go ahead. my conscience is clear. all of this stemmed from someone who couldnt keep her fucking mouth shut while she had a chance.
<3 kelly
anyway, lets move on to something a little less STUPID !!!!!
last night was saint patty's day. good times were had at lady maeve's abode. maeve, amita, jakke, caitlyn, all rock my socks.
had to get up early in the marnin cuz maeve had to go somewhere :( ooohhhhhhhh my head. ill survive. these years are the best of my life and im not gonna soil them with whining over a little grogginess.
today i's hanging oot with me big sis, then a little bit of danny and joe in the later hours of the day. today will be a good day.
bleh tomorrow i gotta werk. no fun. saturday im werkin too. more no fun. but at least ill havea paycheck next week to blow on useless crap in about two days... BA HAHA !
yay. im so happy that i have something to be live journal angsty about. rachel, for that i thank you. now myreaders have something interesting to read. but dont get any ideas, i still think you're a cunt.
i best be off.