May 15, 2009 02:36
Been a while since I updated this. I'll probably be a little over dramatic but who cares?
Found out good news today regarding work. A spot on the day shift opened up and it was offered to me. This is good because I REALLY wanted to get off of swing shift. It's not because I don't like the folks I work with - I do - I just don't like the hours that swing shift covers. On days I work I feel like I get nothing else done, especially when I have to go in for times like 7:30 pm. Plus I don't like having to come home in what to some is the middle of the night. Walking through the parking lot or the atrium when it's late at night is always eerie.
I start working day shift on Monday.
A few weeks ago I was talking to Rebecca in choir. I was telling her how I was looking forward to A-Kon and had put in my request for the time off. When she asked me what would I do if the time off was denied I told her that I would quit my job and go anyway. She looked at me like I had lost my mind.
It's hard to explain in words - both verbal or written - but events like A-Kon and Mechacon are the things that keep me going these days. It would be so very easy for me to slip in to another deep depression and stop caring about any thing. To cut myself off from the world around me and shut my self in my room once again. It would so easy to do and yet I don't. Why? The special events that only happen once a year.
It's during those times that I can really let go. I can step away from the things and people that drive me batty and just play. I don't have to be the good daughter, the good worker or whatever I'm needed to be at the time. And even though it's only for a few days, it's what I do during that time that make my regular days just a little more bearable.
Does that make sense? I don't know. It makes perfect sense to me and I guess that's what really counts.