Oct 14, 2008 09:30
I want to clear up a couple more things regarding the funnybento blog.
I always like to do something different, I think that's what makes something unique. I want the funnybento blog to be unique in a way that people visit it to read articles that they can't find anywhere else, hope to find something new, have a good laugh, etc.
I'm not looking for dedicated news reporters, but, individuals with unique thoughts, who aren't afraid of letting others know what the world is like in their own eyes, who has a strong belief, but also an open heart for new things.
you don't also have to write about the latest anime, or review item. Instead, you can write a story about how some animes changed your life. You can write a store about how that one time took you forever to beat the final boss, but it's totally worth it. you can do a weekly/month only comic...etc.
At first, I wasn't quite sure how I should run this blog...I thought about going the safe way, and just run it like the other J-stuff blogs...
but what changed my mind are those of you who wanted to help out. we are going to have one of the best blogger teams out there! we are so similar, yet, we are nothing alike. We each has different standards, walk a different path in life, but somehow, we are together...if we can all put our heart into this blog, I think this is going to be epic!!!
sorry if some of that doesn't quite make sense, or if I was a bit over dramatic, but I'm truly excited about this project, now that I know who's interested to party. Just a couple more people to hunt down, then the Team Bento will be complete!!! hahahahahhwahhaahwaaahaahahahahahhahaha...
OK, last but not least.
FunnyBento is a big multi-part project, all parts are linked together. Right now, it's in stage 2, which involves 2 parts.
1. Store
2. Blog
These two parts are closely tied together. The store for now, is only on ebay, because it's much easier for people to find us that way, and we have been putting business cards in each package, hoping our buyers will go checkout our web site. So far, we are only selling Japanese toys in our store, so all potential blog visitors brought over from the store will be people are into anime/manga/etc. It would be a good idea to keep those people interested in our blog. But eventually as the blog expands, as we getting into more areas, the store would also expand with the blog, which in turn brings in a different group of visitors.
dose that makes any sense? to break it down, the store influences the majority of the blog's readership, and the blog influences what the store sells. See? it's crazy business XD
K, see ya next time!!!