Nov 14, 2004 13:01
The subject line is from an SOHB song back when that was. They(we) are taking a break for Devin to focus on his other band JesusAgainstChrist. So go check them out and listen to the music . but i will still be writing for the hell of it.
If I had some new news i would surely tell, but there isnt any news that i can remember. I've got final exams coming up this week and then im done and get come home for awhile for thanksgiving. Then im going to VA like i always do to go to my grandparents. There is also a free public skatepark up there so that's kinda good. And then I dont go back to school til the last day or so of November. So im stoked on that. There is also a big contest coming up at stateline skatepark this saturday the 20th. Should be a good time. But other than that, give me a call while i am in town.
Yay Hooray has two shows coming up all the way in December. December 11 at Liquid Records in Cornelius, NC. and the on December 21 at the Milestone(queencity underground) in Charlotte. They now have buttons and stickers and probably will proudly give you one if you are girl and make out with them. listen to it everyday!
I saw an old friend over the weekend aswell for about 10 mins. It was crazy. eat.
peace out until next time