Jun 10, 2004 08:55
So, I am going to try and occasionally write some stuff about FL while I am down here and re-cap on all that has been going down so far. If you don't want to read it, you don't really have to...it's initially for my own memories benefit and what-not...so, here we go.....
I arrived in Inlet Beach, FL tues. night May 11th after I finished my last final. I got to our "house" (which is really a mobile home) and surprised Aaron because I had called him earlier and said that I was stuck in Birmingham, AL because one of the tires on my trailer blew out on the way down. Needless to say, he was surprised to see me. It was great seeing him cause I hadn’t seen Aaron since TSB was on tour and we played in Lubbock, TX. I was/am not disappointed in our place at all! We had a hot tub and swimming pool and a tiki bar and everything!!! Rebel Flag included! haha. very redneck and very perfect!!!
The next day, I woke up, Aaron and I made some breakfast and we headed into Seaside, FL and I met a bunch of the people I would be working with....Ralph, Cyndee, Jesse, Joy etc. Good times. The next day, May 13th, I started my orientation and my first day on the job. The Fitness Center is awesome and I love my job here. On Fri. May 14th, Erin Hardesty and a bunch of people showed up in FL to have a few days to have some fun...then Sat. May 15th Kara, Aaron’s girlfriend got into town and then Sun. Andrew (my other roommate) and his roommate from TX, Logan, showed up. Kara and Logan would both be spending a week with us in our tiny little place....good times!!! During some of this time, I got to spend some time with Erin and Emily and a bunch of the Auburn/Birmingham people...it was good to see everyone. During that first full week in town, I worked like 60 hours and I got to surf for the first time!!! It was amazing!!! I am now hooked and I try to go any chance I get.
During my stay so far, I have run into many people that I either know or we are connected in some way...I think more of this is going to happen…here are some of the things so far:
Ran into Kara Tackett from high school.
People from Memphis knew girl that I knew at Belmont.
Andrew met a guy from Belmont that knew me.
Met John Buturff from Dallas who knew Tom Ford, my dad’s best friend.
Met a girl (Kristin) that worked at Ono Surf shop that’s from Nashville that went to Franklin High School.
Annie Wilson, went to Baylor University and knows Ashton Gustafson, friend of mine since we were 6 yrs old, really well.
Stephanie Ball, works in Seaside Store, lives in OK and knows/used to date Jason Duncan.
Re-met Jennifer that works at surf-shop from Panama City Beach that I met on Easter Break with Evan, Mike and Joy.
After Kara and Logan and Erin and all of them were gone, the three of us got to start getting settled in our place. It really is a great place. One day, while Andrew was at work, three girls came into his store looking for jobs and Greg, Andrews manager, got them all jobs in Seaside…they are Kristen, Lauren and Stephanie…three best friends all from Oklahoma doing the exact same thing that Andrew, Aaron and myself are doing. They wanted to move down for the summer and just hang out together one last time and have a great summer together. They are great girls and we have been hanging out with them a lot lately.
My birthday was Thurs. June 3rd and I got a lot of cards in the mail and some calls and txt messages and emails and myspace messages and it was great. I got a new surfboard for my b-day with some money that my rents gave me. It is freakin awesome and surfing has becoming one of my favorite things to do in the entire world. On my actual B-day, I work from 6 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and then as soon as I got off work, Andrew, Aaron and I surfed for a couple of hours…then we took showers and they took me out to eat to get sushi at this place called Hunans on the beach. It was amazing. It was Andrew and Aaron’s first time to ever have sushi and they liked it a lot, they just said they felt funny after they ate it…haha…I knew that they would. When we got done eating sushi, we headed into Seaside and got some Italian ice cream at this place called Heavenly Shortcakes…and that’s exactly what it was…heavenly. While we were there, we ran into some people I knew that had been working out in the gym the past week and we started talking to them. It was a couple and one girl that I could tell Andrew had his eye on. When we got back to our place…we walked in the front door and it was all decorated with balloons and streamers and happy b-day stuff everywhere!!!! Haha, it was amazing…the girls previously mentioned from Oklahoma, had come over and decorated our place and my room…they are freakin awesome!!! Then we watched Dogtown and Z-boys (the skateboard documentary) that Erin gave me for my B-day that I had gotten in the mail a few days earlier…she is a champ…she is my best friend.
Since then, our days have consisted of a lot of hang out time and great home-made dinners and some good talks about life, love and everything before and after. Today, thurs. June 10th, we are going to go surfing if it is up and then movie night for us and the girls….the movie choices for tonight are….Kill Bill, Karate Kid and Miracle. Good times had by all.
Im sure there will be plenty of great stories that I will be telling about stuff soon…look out for that…thanks for reading…good day!
…Xalways stay trueX…
p.s. from now on, my entries will be more detailed and shorter because they will be day by day rather than having to cover a span of like 3 weeks...right on man!!!!