Not for the kiddies. (More inappropriate photos of the day).

Mar 31, 2009 18:24

While my .gif post is still currently in the making, and essay still in the process of being written. . . I have decided to assuage the situation, with a naughty presentation of some of our favorite (injured) Mannschafters who are fondly in our memories.

This is a sordid-injured-Nationalmannschafter post!

There isn't even a picture to persuade you to click the cut. Aren't you excited. . .?

Question: Which injured-Nationalmannschafter is the most sordid?

Exhibit #1: Miroslav Klose

The one and only.

When he isn't using his mind powers to control balls. . .

You thought I was joking, didn't you?

Didn't you?!?

. . .He is busy throwing his whole body into the matches.

How much of his body you ask?

Do you even have to ask?

This is his sexy face.

lol, just kidding. This one is.

Miro's got back.

Oh yes, he does.

Exhibit #2: Arne Friedrich

Today was a sad day when I realized that I had little to no sordid Arne photos.

Because basically, underarmour is his religion.

Almost to a point where I think it's simply blasphemous.

Case in point.

Instead here are some action shots.

Nice moves.

Do a barrel roll.

Oh wait, I lied. I have three sordid Arne pictures.

Whispering sweet nothings?

I don't think he realizes how this looks.

I approve of crotch shots.

Exhibit #3: Torsten Frings

He's so bare. . .I mean tattoo wise.

In any case, I also approve of continuous sordid poses.

Such as that.

Breathe in, breathe out.

What is breathing?

I'm not sure anymore.

Exhibit #4: Piotr Trochowski

This is basically just to remind everyone that he was injured, alas I only have classy photos.

Sordid look? Either way, his is in our thoughts.

Onwards troops.

Exhibit #5: René Adler

Ahhh, Bundesalder.

It won't be long until there are some stretches worthy of the Jens himself.

. . .

Excuse me, I had to remind myself to inhale and exhale.


And there is a good chance Bayer Leverkusen goalkeeper Rene Adler will take over from Robert Enke.


René has been disqualified.

Was it that big Miro?


I think it's time to wrap this up.

Conclusion: Miro is the most sordid of them all.

This post is dedicated to those who are going through a rough time in real life, you know who you are. And you are simply amazing.


Also, this post also involves crowd participation. So if you have pictures to add as well, do so in the comments.


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