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Jan 24, 2014 00:08

Benedict Cumberbatch is coming to the Starfury con in Birmingham in two weeks ( Read more... )

con 2014: elementary birmingham, benedict cumberbatch

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dieastra January 26 2014, 22:11:44 UTC
Sorry, me again already ;) It's just such an interesting discussion. That's what I love LJ for, as you can't have those at Tumblr where it's only about flashing pictures.

I had what you described with "White Collar". For two years I watched it once a week on German TV and liked it but did not completely fall for it but when they stopped airing it I needed to catch up to recent American seasons and literally watched it every day. And suddenly the Neal charme worked its magic and I could not understand how I could have resisted so long LOL It really cannot be described, either you have this feeling or you don't.

It's funny, just yesterday Stephen Amell wrote on his Facebook page how he burned through all seasons of "24" even despite he was on a tropical island, and that he heard lots of people are only now catching up with "Arrow" and getting totally hooked. Happens to all of us.

Well that tells me that you still haven't watched the "Casanova" or "Decoy Bride" where he is indeed totally adorable ;) If you can watch this and still resist, then David is indeed not made for you. And damn, you found "Third Star" already, I was wanting to give it to you in exchange for making you watch some David LOL

It's funny, from the description I thought this would be totally not my movie. I don't like it when it is too tearfully you know? And with an ill main character this sounded like a tearjearker a lot.

Yes, it is a very quiet movie but what I like about it, that I did forget quite quickly that all those boys were actors. I felt as if I was there with them on that journey. It is a bit quirky and very british movie, that is true, and not all scenes make sense, but a lot of it was improvised without any script I think and that makes it feel real. For example, in which other movie do you have more than one person talking at a time? Here they really talk just as people would talk, not one stopping and waiting for the next. And how all the things from the past came out and they yelled at each other.

I also love how they lose more and more of civilisation by losing their stuff. You'll see.

So yeah, maybe it was your mood indeed.

The first pictures and tales are now in, and makes me think if I had known Scott would also have been there I might have gone ;) The advertisement was John and Q&A and autographs and pictures and the like, much like a mini convention, and I thought shall others go who never saw him before, he might feel stalked if I turn up all the time. But with Scott together in the picture, this is totally different. Him going around tables and talking with people as well and doing photographs. I still feel a bit guilty for my sneaked photograph with him, this would have made it official you know? Those who were there say it was a very special afternoon, so yeah, a bit sad here but you are right, I still already had and will have so much other stuff and it would not bother me if it was in the US as then I just could not have gone.

Also, what I hear, everyone got a hug from John at the end when leaving! He should just sell hugs, the money would be soon collected LOL

And I definitely look forward to more Malcolm Merlyn, as much as I love "Arrow", last season we had so much more of the nice evil bad guy. I always had the feeling he would be back for the season finale though, so that is just bad timing.


tardisjournal January 30 2014, 22:53:14 UTC
I love long discussions to! I guess that's why I still cling to LJ even in this era of tweets and Tumblrs.

That's interesting about White Collar. That's kind of what happened to Maryanne. I was a Neal fangirl from day one, but Maryanne was actively resisting the Caffrey charm, and preferred Peter. But eventually it got her too. Heh, heh, heh. It all kind of fizzled out the last couple of years, though, because I haven't liked the show as much. Although this current season is better than it's been in awhile!

Oops, busted--I haven't watched those Tennant movies yet! And now they're lost with my old harddrive. Could you possibly upload one again when you get a chance, and I'll try to do better this time?

The fact that "Third Star" definitely didn't seem like it was going to end well was one reason we turned it off, not being in the mood for a tearjerker at the time. We were all aglow with Benedict-love and didn't want to see him die. Or even get any sicker than he already was. The guys had already lost most of their stuff and he was guzzling morphine like it was cola, and I just didn't see it ending happily. :-p

The fact that a lot of the dialog was improvised explains a lot. You're right, they do talk over one another, which is another reason the movie felt very slice-of-life. That kind of thing can go either way for me. If it's too slice-of-life, I often find myself wondering, "Who are these people and why do I care?" Yeah, I should definitely wait until I'm in a different mood!

Hope you're feeling better about the teas now. We just can't go to everything, no matter how much we want to! :/

John should definitely sell hugs! He gives great hugs. I'd line up several times. :)

There was not nearly enough Malcolm Merlyn this season. Maybe next year?!?


dieastra February 15 2014, 16:24:23 UTC
Please never leave, I surely would miss you! I have lost quite a lot LJ friends over the past years, who just disappear as their interests change or they just are on Twitter now. 140 characters is way too short for what I want to say!

That's just it, I did not want to prefer one or the other. I liked Neal and Peter as a couple, the way they teased each other, it was a really nice bromance. I did not want to spoil that in preferring one, plus I just couldn't decide ;) Obviously, Neal is the better looking one of the two, but Peter or rather his actor is such a great comedy guy, the faces he sometimes pulls... and I love him also when he gets really serious and angry. They are just perfect with each other.

It is entirely possible that my preferation of Neal came at the same time I found out that Matt Bomer also knows how to sing... that's how I became a fan of John Barrowman after all, I didn't just from watching Captain Jack! Throw a bit of singing and dancing and general entertaining into the mix, and I am lost.

I think it is save to say that your feeling the movie wouldn't end well was true. There was in fact only one way it was ever to end.

So, I am back from the Benedict-Con, but I am afraid it still has not sparkled ;) He is just too much of a nice guy for that. He is nice and polite and had fun doing all the photos and autographs and talks with passion about his roles and projects, but he is also a bit reserved, like David Tennant who is the same way, and with a force like John Barrowman, I guess it is really hard to competete with that ;) And Benedict is not what you would call a stage hog and overwhelming presence. At least for me.

If you like, you can read his full Q&A here:

And that's another problem I have and why I haven't watched many interviews with him yet - he thinks and speaks so fast, it is really hard to keep up, especially in the first ten minutes when it was about "Twelve Years a slave". If there is too much of his low rumbling at once, I tend to not hear the words anymore and just listen to the sound?

Lots of people have shared videos from the teas now, not complete but enough to get the feeling for not being left out and there were some very interesting questions and answers. And him and Scott sang the song again which they recently sang in that Twitcast video - oh, have you seen this? The two of them in bed? If you haven't, watch it here, it is soooooo funny:

I was just about to go to bed when this happened so of course I stayed and watched live and I couldn't stop giggling.


tardisjournal March 6 2014, 15:14:13 UTC
Not planning to leave! There's a special experience here you can't get anywhere else. It might be harder to connect with people at first on LJ, but once you do, the friendships seem more enduring. I made a Tumblr recently, just to see what it's all about, and it's really overwhelming. All those bright-colored, blinking, flashing images spilling across my dashboard is too much at times. And the fic links (which is what I'm really interested in) seem to take you to A03 anyway, and I'm already there, so I'm not sure I see the point of the whole experience. Or maybe I'm just old! LOL.

I love that Matt Bomer can sing too. I wish someone would give him a TV or movie role that really utilized that part of his talent. (Did you see him in "Glee"? It's the only episode of that show I ever watched. He was great!) It's frustrating that everything else he's appeared in has only been a tiny role, but maybe his work on "White Collar" doesn't leave him much time for anything else.

Well, I'm sorry Benedict didn't do *it* for you, but to each their own. I know what you mean about his low rumbly voice--it is rather trance-inducing. But that's what I like about it! :D

LOL re the Scott and John vid! Those two are too much. No wonder no one else can compete! ;)


dieastra March 6 2014, 15:54:58 UTC
It's true, I only have place for one guy at a time in my heart. There have been a few I have liked over the years, but usually the new one only came after I started to become less interested in the old one and started to see their flaws and collecting all the stuff suddenly felt like a task instead of being fun. I'm sad to say that even RDA does not sparkle for me anymore as he used to do, he is just an old guy now :( So, John is the main guy at the moment, I already stretched it with leaving David into my heart as well, but still not in the same way, I'm not reading and watching every interview he does. I do if someone gives me a link and I have time, but I don't collect them all. Of course he also is not on Twitter like John.

So yeah, there is just no space for anyone else at the moment, this has absolutely nothing to do with Benedict, plus I still admire him for all his work and like to watch him. Have you seen the picture of him where he photobombed at the Oskars? I'm sure we will hear great things from him yet, he just has started in Hollywood.

At the moment, me and John feel like "for eternity" but then again, that's what I thought about the other guys too, and that leaves me worried that one day he might fall out of my favour as well, but I can't imagine at the moment.

I think Matt Bomer has done a few movies recently, small roles also, but who knows what they will lead to. Not that I have seen any of them. Yes, I've seen him in "Glee", we watched this right from the beginning (the first season was quite good, then it started to go down but still fun to watch). Have you seen him sing "It only takes a moment" at some award show, don't remember whether it was the Golden Globes or something? Here's the link - way too short though:

I love it.

I'm also too old for Tumblr ;) I swore I'd never go there but recently I also wondered whether I should cave in and give the action figure pictures a wider audience. It seems this is the place where everyone is now, and you have to go where your audience is. I'm certainly not interested in blinking and flashing stuff though, so maybe they are too old fashioned for that? I also recently tested out doing speech bubbles directly in the picture, instead of writing what they say under it. Might be better?

But how do I start? How do I make my pictures get seen? Do people just follow other people, or do they follow certain tags? When I was new at LJ I posted something and wondered why nobody replied. Then I realized people won't find my page on their own. So I posted to communities and made friends, and so the word was spread. If you search for action figures now, my pictures are often at the first google page. Or maybe that's just what I see, as google personalizes their searches ;)

Are there communities at Tumblr? Say, for Torchwoodd? It would be just interesting to send the pics out there and see how far they come and how much they get retweeted or whatever is the right word. Would be nice if you could give me a bit advice regarding that, seeing how experienced you are LOL


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