Just realized that I never showed my newest picture with Rick. Chevron con in May in Birmingham was the fourth time I met him. Here are the previous pictures for those that don't know them yet - you'll see that both of us got much more relaxed over the years:
2006 at Avalon in Wells 2008 at Gatecon in Vancouver 2010 at MTM in Vancouver
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The price for an extra JB autograph at the con will be £20 (I get one autograph for free with my ticket and I can get three maximal).
I am not sure about the printed picture. First, there is not much time left (I fly on Friday), and I would need to go somewhere to get this printed in good quality, and second, usually conventions won't allow to sign downloaded and printed pictures which are not your own. Has to do with copyright. I'm not sure about this one, but to be safe I would have to buy a picture from the merchandising stand. Which surely will cost extra.
If you still want me to do this I happily do, of course, and then send it to you. Shall there be your name on the autograph as well, and if, which one? (you can tell it in PM)
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