Today I have a double feature for all the "Sherlock" fans! First, have you seen that google maps now has added inside pictures to North Gower Street? You can view Sherlock's flat in 360° and also walk into the kitchen. Here's the link:,+Kings+Cross,+London+NW1+2NN/@51.5262565,-0.1368584,3a,47.9y,296.13h,58.19t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1suhT4RVHIknAAAAQvxSEq1g!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x48761b26385ff313:0xea9dd0c978cb6767!8m2!3d51.5275523!4d-0.1380127!6m1!1e1 A while ago I also saw the inside of the TARDIS when you click at the one at Earl's Court.
Secondly, in last week's "Sherlock" episode "The lying Detective" an eagle eyed fan found a postcard from "Torchwood" on the mantelpiece. Here you can see a screenshot: So of course I had to react to that! So I created this: