Picspam - Christmas gifts 2016

Dec 29, 2016 10:43

So, time for my annual showing off the Christmas presents! Like every year, I get the best things. Nothing too expensive, but much cute stuff. Click the cut for all the details!

Previous gifts can be found here: 2015 - 2014 - 2013 - 2012 - 2011

A calendar of South England:

You never can go wrong with pyjamas:

Sheep! The candleholder on the left is from my brother. It's heavy pottery.

More sheep - one I'll have to crochet myself! Oh boy!

A cute little smoking house looking like a gingerbread house from my mother, and a wooden candleholder moose from my brother:

Also from my brother - a pair of cute little boots:

This Christmas tree ornament is made from original lace from Plauen which is quite famous for doing these, and includes a little wooden Dresden Frauenkirche (Church of our Women). Never seen something like this before! Very nice:

Our local flower shop did a Christmas decorations sale a few weeks ago and I chose these wooden skates for myself:

I think hamsterwoman will approve of this little critter ;) It's a cat toy and both my brother and I got one. The reason behind is that we once talked about wanting to visit Hameln - the town where the famous piper stole all the children. Apparently they have a rats festival every year playing this story and all over the town you can buy rats merchandise.

When we were on Summer vacation I wanted to buy this little cutie in the Görlitz Zoo but my mother said she would pay for it so I had to wait till now to get him. I really couldn't let sit that on the shelf, could I?

A cute reindeer candle holder:

My grandmother usually just gives money but she also included this little teddy dressed as an elephant. I think he'll go well with my wolf in sheep's clothing ;)

A little London tin box (you can never have too many little tin boxes) and some additions for my eraser collections. A tiger, lion, giraffe and horsey, and a whole London display. At first I thought it was one big eraser but it's several. It's the London eye, then St. Pauls cathedral I guess, Big Ben of course and I have no idea what the thing on the right would be? Is it a bridge or a building? Does anyone know?

Backside of the cardboard:

A bookmark where, when you move it, the picture moves as well. The monkeys are walking:

My brother also gave me a canoe in case my figures want to do some canoeing, and a Kuuuuhgelschreiber which is a play of words of the German word for Cow and pen. Also everyone got these red stars and with mine he included little ones for the figures. I have a very considerate brother!

I got this little pottery jug and my brother got a little cake baking form. So cute! I also love the gingerbread man, and the penguin I bought from grandmother's money.

Here is the new penguin with his brethren:

christmas, picspam

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