Hi to all my friends who love my action figure stories so much. I recently was in Vancouver, as some of you might know, and I took them with me to shoot pictures of them standing in front of original locations. Today Paya posted the first batch of our pictures, and as usual hers are so much better than mine. Plus she invented a little story and let them TALK and it is so awesome. Please please please follow this link, you won't regret it! The first post starts here
http://rdanderson.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?p=112950#112950 and you need to scroll down till the last picture with Daniel's diary.
Hope you have as much fun looking at them as we had making them. I seriously worried we might miss the plane ;)
And after we arrived in Vancouver, we also started with some shots on the location for "Bane" and "2010" - the Expo Center:
http://rdanderson.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?p=113090#113090 There is much more to follow, this is only the beginning. Enjoy!