
Jun 09, 2015 01:01

I just had a revelation. I was wondering all the time whom the young Shatner reminded me of. I found him. It's a German actor named Götz George (who is only seven years younger than WS) and apparently it seems I do have a type! LOL ( Read more... )

Götz George, comparisons, william shatner

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wanderingsmith June 9 2015, 02:21:13 UTC
very similar, lol! crazy how that can happen...


dieastra June 9 2015, 21:20:58 UTC
It's uncanny! But now that they are both old, they are not similar anymore LOL

And you have the most perfect icon *drools*
(I am still watching two episodes per day, season 1 almost finished, but I have spoilered myself on youtube with all those clips of shirtless Kirk LOL)


wanderingsmith June 10 2015, 03:42:51 UTC
you are welcome to the icon, lol

I assume you are spoiledred as to what happens in the movies?


dieastra June 10 2015, 06:11:46 UTC
Sadly I only have 15 icon spaces which I have to use carefully. Otherwise I would have a picture with every actor I ever met, which would be quite a few ;) It was already hard to get Matt Bomer in there somehow. I'll have to see what I can delete to make space for a hot young Kirk.

If not I might download it anyway though, just for keepers.

I got a William Shatner biography from the library which of course also is a lot about Star Trek as you can't really seperate those things. The author did a short summary of each movie but I am not sure what exactly you mean at the moment. Regarding shirtless? Or regarding him getting old? Or do you mean his death? I'v watched that on youtube as well already.


wanderingsmith June 13 2015, 01:22:35 UTC
I would have a picture with every actor I ever met
lol, I've met none but admired many, in different ways. but I sympathise on the limit

just for keepers.
just so. for the future.. ;D

you can't really seperate those things.
eh. I have this memory of reading that nimoy's first biagraphy way 'I am not spock' and the second was 'I am spock', can't help but think that is a damn good parable of growing older and seeing your self and life..

not sure what exactly you mean at the moment.
the whole gamut of deaths and lifes ...


dieastra June 13 2015, 06:39:08 UTC
Okay, I did it. Sadly Scott "reading is sexy" had to go. Did you make the icon? Should I give you credit for it?

eh. I have this memory of reading that nimoy's first biagraphy way 'I am not spock' and the second was 'I am spock', can't help but think that is a damn good parable of growing older and seeing your self and life..The Shatner biography I read was an unauthorized one, so it covered all the details, also the negative ones. It wasn't only sunshine and roses, so I think I did indeed learn a great deal on what went on behind the scenes ( ... )


wanderingsmith June 14 2015, 00:08:21 UTC
err.. I would have given credit if was someone else's so I guess I made it (just can't find original on lappy to confirm.. must have moved to desktop drive)

I guess it can be hard for an actor who wants to play many versatile different roles
no question. can completely understand the frustration. that said, it's one everyone faces, in some way or other (you are woman/weak, you are a geek, you are the oldest, you are the leader, you are the A student, or conversally, you are the best soccer player, you are the worse student (not worth wasting time on), and the list goes on). just not usually with the same media coverage, lol

that you are an icon
eh, 'and with this comes certain rules and responsibilities'

Can't help it
LOL! eh, I resisted actually naming stallone in previous comment, but most of the time I will end up with a mention of fandom in convo if person I speak to is at all open :D 'tis the joy of having a fandom!


dieastra June 20 2015, 17:14:21 UTC
Oh, feel free to bring Stallone up as much as you like! LJ has gone so quiet, I am happy about any discussion with someone else too stubborn to leave ;)
And it's true, he also has played two iconic roles - Rambo and Rocky. Depends on which one you prefer, what you do when his name is mentioned - if you say "Oh the guy from Rocky" or "Oh the guy from Rambo".

I read that Marcia Cross, who I came to love in "Desperate Housewives", also already had another big iconic role in "Melrose Place" (which I never watched). It is also a bit of a risk for a producer of a show to take someone like that on, as people will only refer to the old character and compare it to the new and it will take time for them to accept the new one. So this goes both ways.


wanderingsmith June 21 2015, 04:04:15 UTC
agreed on LJ silence

I haven't watched either, lol. but I was aware.. more of rambo than rocky, growing up. the image of him in ripped shirt in jungle muck is iconic. the name just always equalled 'action guy'.

and yeah, is a risk all around to try to make people change their established image. we're stubborn that way... ;)


dieastra July 8 2015, 08:44:09 UTC
It's been a long time since I watched the first Rambo. It was back in the early 90s, after we finally got all those Western Germany TV channels, and I watched everything I could get my hands on, to find out what people are talking about. The first "Die Hard" also and Arnold Schwarzenegger movies like "Terminator" or "Total Recall".

I don't remember if I saw all Rambos, as in the end it is always the same with the fighting and such, but I actually did like the first one at the time. It was done in a way that you could actually understand where he was coming from.

I am not so much for boxing movies though, but I think I watched the first Rocky as well. As for Stallone movies, I loved Demolition Man. That was great fun!


wanderingsmith July 9 2015, 02:04:45 UTC
"Total Recall".
lol, 80s martian horror :D

I gotta say, I enjoyed hte latest Terminator. schwartz self-deprecating humour. had the theater laughing out loud quite a few times, LOL :D
the kids had their annoying moments but overall were bearable with Terminator to break it up

I find it very strange now that I didn't like action movies when I was a kid/teen... very strange. but I'm still not really into boxing (or other sport) movies. if the movie is really *about* the sport.. I'm just not into being a spectator. grudge match I liked, but that was about the guys and their lives. the boxing was.. incidental.

one of these days I have to watch rambo. and a friend keeps saying that if ican quote rocky I have to watch it.... lol

I loved Demolition Man
LOL! I could barely wince my way through that. it's the kind of humour I have a very short fuse for. if a friend hadn't said I had to watch it....


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