I want to take part in
Fandom Fest! So, I basically interviewed myself. This is what happened:
If you don’t mind me asking - how old are you exactly?
I turned 40 last year - why do you ask?
And you are still playing with dolls?!?Well, yeah. Guess I have kept my inner child, and I love it. I don’t intend to grow up anytime soon, I have way
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Part 1/2
Thanks for the link of the repainter, some awesome work! And also great dolls which I hadn't seen before. Some people are really talented this way. But I think it is easier with these bigger dolls. When I did that Carole the original figure had brown eyes but she has blue eyes. So first I had to do the blue iris, then the black pupil, and at the end I even put a small white dot into it, for light reflexion. I took the tiniest brush I could find, still I messed it up a few times - and then had to start again with all the layers smaller than a millimeter. And even if it looks good in small reality, once you photograph it and see it in huge on your screen - oy! LOL
This was the first repaint I ever have done: http://dieastra.livejournal.com/679.html
When we had seen prototypes of the Stargate figures in their desert uniform (which I always had loved) it looked so good, so I was very disappointed when the figures came out. The shape was wrong, the colors were too dark, it didn't look anything like the original. But no use to whine about it - I just did change it.
Well, casualties are to be expected, they work hard, after all. :)
True! I never understood those people that keep theirs mint in boxes. If anything fails, I can always buy a new one. Of course, the real expensive ones (the big ones for 179 GBP), they don't leave my flat either. Still I realized the other day that I somehow managed to break the wing of a stone angel. While it stood in my glass vitrine. Not even sure how that happened. I hope I can glue it.
Ooh, the computer screens look fabulous! The display's content is more or less easily customizable for the given need, I take it?
The picture of John that I had put on it (and yes, he really was on the first boat, in front of the Queen. He sometimes meets with princess Anne, as they do charity work together, and last year - on the day of my birthday no less - he also received a huge honor with getting the MBE - Member of the order of the British Empire - in the Buckingham palace, which apparently is the first step to knight), I just printed it and taped it over the existing thing. So yes, I guess I could put anything that I want on it. And what a long winded explanation that was LOL
The finished feet look very good, though on your place I'd be torn between it and the loss of the original shoes...
Don't worry, of course I still have the original Doctor as well, with shoes and all. This figure was bought cheaply (used) specifically for this task to be destroyed. When the new Doctor came, lots of people sold their old figures, no idea why.
By the way, this would have been the official Owen figure if they had ever made it - they already had a prototype: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BuPGtpKIMAA1ABh.jpg
I never know how much or how little you know about the Doctor Who and Torchwood fandom - I don't want to lecture you, but you know you can always ask if something is unclear, right? And then there is always google of course.
While looking for the pic right now I stumbled about this from someone - not bad either! http://s282.photobucket.com/user/Jackknight92/media/Collection%20Toy%20Pics/OwenHarper-1.jpg.html
Continued in part 2/2
Yes, I'm sure of that.
And even if it looks good in small reality, once you photograph it and see it in huge on your screen - oy!
Sounds familiar, I must admit... XD
But no use to whine about it - I just did change it.
♥! The core and spirit of fandoms in one sentence. :)
I never know how much or how little you know about the Doctor Who and Torchwood fandom
No more than Alumfelga has written, but she was writing about it for months before coming to LJ. Still, I'm of course not even close to a most forgetful fan's level; I have just snippets of details and the general impression.
you know you can always ask if something is unclear, right?
Sure I know, but I rarely ask anyone, anyway. Google is my preferred way, though rather for things I'm actually interested in. In this particular case I'm more interested in Alumfelga's writings and your figures than in the fandoms themselves. I hope it's not too big a problem. :)
Of course not. I just meant, everyone is looking at things from their own perspective. So I assume whatever I know, everyone else knows as well, some basic knowledge things (not necessarily fandom things). And sometimes one does not understand some reference, but has no idea what exactly to google, or everything google finds sounds wrong.
So I have stopped feeling embarrassed and dumb in such cases, and I don't mind asking people questions. They are usually very happy to explain. We all have different backgrounds and nobody can know everything.
And a lot of misunderstandings could be avoided if people talked more with each other, instead of just assuming. That's all what I was saying.
With this I agree wholeheartedly! No worries, if I'm curious, I ask. You're always welcome to ask as well. :)
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