I want to take part in
Fandom Fest! So, I basically interviewed myself. This is what happened:
If you don’t mind me asking - how old are you exactly?
I turned 40 last year - why do you ask?
And you are still playing with dolls?!?Well, yeah. Guess I have kept my inner child, and I love it. I don’t intend to grow up anytime soon, I have way
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-pictures JackO'neill's face in such an instance- LOOOOLLLz
Sorry shippers and slashers,
well that just sucks... and not just for shipper.. also for ogglers..;D
one Jack O’Neill broke his wrist
oh dear. well, he *does* have a habbit of spending a lot of time i the infirmary (maybe not as bad as Siler but.. close..)
who would’ve wanted to buy a Jack Harkness that did not look like John Barrowman?
srsly?? they actuall yconsidered doing that?? the fuck..... do they not have a fan-psychologist on staff to explain how things work??
Problem was, that it already was 2 AM at a workday...
never mind 'gravity', it's TIME that's a heartless bitch...
..and work. mustn't forget *that* bastard...
But the most fun is when I invite several friends and just put the figures on the table.
I envy you that companionship :)
nobody would buy a figure of a dead character.
....maybe there *isn't* such a thing as a fan-psychologist. hu. short-sighted of them.
Back then it was usual to make the things which you couldn’t buy with your own hands
the world would be a better place in a hundred little ways if that practice spread more... :(
so I created my own, and used the descriptions in the books.
well done!
I have bought more from this seller since, and have shown her pictures of what I do with her things. She loves it.
bet it makes her day each time she sees it :)
You know you are famous when your eBay seller wonders what you do with her stuff!
let me play with them.
If you get the right angle for the camera
that is a very commerciable skill. well done!
And when she said she’d loved to have an action figure of herself
they showed a picture of it and talked about me for a few seconds.
wow... that must have made your week 8D
Well, but that is what the 12" figures are for ;) Have you seen my Jack in diving suit? http://dieastra.livejournal.com/2718.html
Or when we made the episode "Brief Candle"? http://dieastra.livejournal.com/3145.html
I obviously never had any Barbie in my childhood, nor would I have been interested in it back then, but now I certainly can see the appeal! If just it all wasn't pink...
oh dear. well, he *does* have a habbit of spending a lot of time i the infirmary (maybe not as bad as Siler but.. close..)
True! And I loved it and also love the fanfictions. I am a whumper ;) RDA played pain so well. David Tennant is also quite good at that. Very convincing.
srsly?? they actually considered doing that?? the fuck..... do they not have a fan-psychologist on staff to explain how things work??
I think they wanted to use a generetic soldier face they already had lying around.
maybe there *isn't* such a thing as a fan-psychologist. hu. short-sighted of them.
I think this is also the reason why we never got a figure of the well loved Doctor Beckett of Atlantis and instead got Doctor Keller which nobody wanted. I only bought her because she came with a cool laptop and part of the Atlantis chair.
the world would be a better place in a hundred little ways if that practice spread more... :(
I think in some ways was the world indeed a better place back in Eastern Germany! We were more mindful of recourses. We had no plastic bags, they did not exist. We went to do grocery shopping with our own bags. Even at the bakery, they would put the rolls directly into your bag, no paper or plastic in between.
Also the kitchen machines like mixers or the washing machines, were build to last a lifetime. Sturdy, and run for thirty years and more. Practically unbreakeable. But of course, in Kapitalism it needs to break every few years so people are forced to buy new ones!
When we got a parcel from my aunt in Western Germany, we did not cut the thread. We de-knotted the knot and my father would use the thread again. Same for paper from gifts, we use and re-use it every year for Christmas.
Shoes got repaired, nowadays that costs so much money that you rather buy new ones instead. And so on and on. And yeah, lots of people made their own clothes because they did not like what they could buy in the shops. Lots of people were creative in certain ways. And they shared, everyone had a special skill, and got something else instead. People even repaired their own cars, back then they were so simple that you could do that.
Also, while people were unhappy about a lot of things of course - all the hunting for basic needs, or the part about not being able to travel where you want to - I guess back then people were happier because everyone was more or less the same? There were not rich people like nowadays, and nobody to be envious about. Now it is about who has the biggest house and the most cars. I think people should be happy with what they have and not try to gain more all the time. Have a little respect and look into other countries, then you see how good we have it really.
Did I ever send you my report, where I compare life in Eastern Germany and now? Would you be interested to read it? Lots of small bits that were totally normal back then but now seem different.
wow... that must have made your week 8D
The month even! If you want to read about how it all came, and see the video, I put it all together in this post: http://dieastra.livejournal.com/55122.html
(for the second Hollow Earth action figure story I even got a comment from her here on my own LJ!)
She also recently responded when I posted this picture: http://dieastra.livejournal.com/125141.html
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