Stargate-fanfiction: "It is better to give than to receive" / "Geben ist seliger denn nehmen"

Dec 09, 2009 13:07

A little Christmas story, so you have something to read while waiting for Christmas.

Rating: C
Category: Christmas, Humor
Word count: 2,033
Summary: What to do with an unwanted present?
Author’s note: A German song inspired me to write this bit of Christmas humor. Many thanks as always to CoriKay for the wonderful beta!
Disclaimer: Stargate SG-1 ( Read more... )

stargate, fic

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Comments 13

sharp2799 December 9 2009, 15:20:51 UTC
Cute! (Although I think Sam is nuts if she doesn't want a ring from Jack.) ;)


dieastra December 12 2009, 16:06:37 UTC
Well, of course there is a ring, and then there are rings. Maybe I put too much of myself into this, but I somehow can't see Sam being somebody whose heart can be won with glittering jewelry and such. A new technical machine is more her case ;)

I would not mind one special ring, but then surely Jack would not give it to her inside the SGC.

Glad you liked it!


annejack December 9 2009, 16:17:58 UTC
'giggles' Well, Janet can just take out the batteries... or remove the motion detector by surgery.

It was cute and funny! Great story!


dieastra December 12 2009, 16:03:24 UTC
LOL for the comment with the surgery ;) Of course, why did I not think of that *headdesk*

Glad you liked it! Thanks for commenting. Do you know the song? It is too funny.


jaja die leiben geschenke anonymous December 10 2009, 08:02:24 UTC
für solche fälle gibts bei uns in der tanzschule jedes weihnachten auf der letzten party den weißen elefanten.

jeder bringt ein geschenk mit, dass er sowieso loshaben wollte, und jeder muss allerdings auch wieder eins mitnehmen..... nun ja nicht jeder nimmt wiedereins mit und mein lieber alex erstickt manchmal in dem ganzen schmarrn. allerdings sind manche dinge die einer beim abstauben am leibsten am boden wiederfinden würde für nen anderen ein richtiger schatz.....

ergo man findet immer wieder einen den man mit sowas, das einem im weg umgeht glücklich machen kann.....

oder man fragt einfach sein gegenüber was es sich denn zu weihnachten wünscht... dann hat man solche problemchen auch nicht ;-)


Re: jaja die leiben geschenke dieastra December 12 2009, 16:01:38 UTC
Die Party stell ich mir sehr lustig vor! Ich glaube, ich würde auch mit lauter Gerümpel nach Hause gehen ;) Denn es ist wahr, der eine mag das, der andere das.

Für meine Eltern und Bruder hab ich keine Probleme, was zu finden. Das ganze Jahr über, wenn ich was Passendes sehe, wird das gekauft und aufgehoben. Aber große Geschenke machen wir sowieso nicht, man hat ja schon alles.


anonymous December 11 2009, 01:54:24 UTC
Very enjoyable! Got to love those happy holiday endings!


dieastra December 12 2009, 15:58:45 UTC
Thank you very much, whoever you are! Glad you liked it.


colej55 December 13 2009, 04:18:42 UTC
What an adorable story! I have several toys like that, but I know where the off switch is. ;-)

My worst experience ever with an "automatic" Christmas toy was when I was shopping in the craft supply store just before Christmas. I was lost in thought and didn't realize that the artificial tree I was about to pass was one with a motion sensor. Just as I got near it, it's creepy eyes popped open and it started to jiggle as it sang a carol loudly. I remember yelling something vague and jumping back three feet in shock and terror. Of course, everyone around me had a good laugh while I performed CPR on myself trying to get my heart to restart!

Gosh, I just LOVE Christmas!!!! Thanks for adding to the joy!


dieastra December 13 2009, 21:19:35 UTC
I am always amazed how much alike we two are. I also have several singing toys. A duck with yellow rain coat and umbrella, singing "Singing in the Rain". Two moose with Christmas songs. One is dancing, the other one is clapping its antlers. Then there is a dancing cow, and another cow with mad cow disease which shakes and laughs madly. I don't even count all the monkeys and cows that just make monkey and cow sounds.

And my mother and my brother have a few of their own, also. Latest addition is a cute puppy which rolls over the floor, laughing whenever the motion detector hits off.

Very funny experience with the Christmas tree! I think I also would have been scared by a tree with eyes.


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