I guess you are here for the funny pictures with action figures, right? Here are some links to get you started:
The Orville action figure pictures:
The Orville Star Trek action figure pictures 4,5" (VOY):
Star Trek1 Star Trek action figure pictures 6" (TOS):
Star Trek2 Star Trek action figure pictures 7" (ENT):
Star Trek3Star Trek action
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I am also happy to report that I have published many stories now where I did not need to ask the help of a beta at all, and when I did, it was only small things they had to correct (mostly the right order of words in a sentence, I do struggle with that a bit)
I also have come a long way since then with my figures! Better accessories, better backgrounds, better photographing skills, wish I already had that in Stargate times. Been in many fandoms since (and added figures every time LOL) and am currently trying to make may way through all Star Trek. I started with Enterprise now and I do love it (so you may see pictures of that as well in the future), but I doubt any other ST show will blow me away as much as Voyager did. I certainly did not expect that.
It is very similar to Stargate in the family feeling and great characters, and why has nobody told me about this before ;)
The fun thing is, that a new friend who is a Scott Bakula fan, now watches Stargate SG-1 for the first time because of my insistence and loves it too, and I started to do the rewatch I have been thinking about for years, and am falling in love all over again with this show. And therefore also thinking of all the good times I had with friends. So your timing couldn't be better!
You're not following here though, are you? I'm afraid I never understood this whole EXT thing. I'd love to reconnect, I'm sure we have lots to talk about. You can also find me on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, as it says in the post, if you prefer that. Or maybe I just should go and see if I can find your e-mail address in my computer. It must be there somewhere.
I hope you are well?
Great to hear from you! Yes, social media has come a long way since we first "met" up. I don't do Twitter, Instagram or Live Journal. I'm on Facebook so we could connect that way or I could send you an email with the address I have for you and see if you receive it. I'll do that now and we'll see what happens.
Take care!
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