Sep 04, 2010 11:22

Layout change!
I realized I forgot to make a banner after installing. :D;So, I whipped one up at 1AM. But dafk;lj;ja. Frustrated me. Was trying to figure out how to move the sidebar around, as in, blurb on one side, calendar on the other type of deal. I don't think that's possible. :/
I also really want the jobeau username. >.< Its user hasnt updated in 7 years... PURGE IT.

A digital scrapbook page for everyday of September. O:
I'm doing this not just because scrapbooking makes me all giddy, but because i wanna see if i can actually stick to something and not fall behind/procrastinate. I always think of these things as saving them for the future. I picture going to the attic in my home and finding all these journals and scrapbooks and mementos from life and whatnot. :D
No, really. That's what i picture every single time...

I suddenly really just can't stand my room. I hate the green. It makes me feel so uninspired. That was four years ago-- it may be time for change [not to mention it was a horrible painting job by a highschool freshman]. AND I'm thinking pink... because I liked soothing pastels, so probably with some light blue or whatever.

scrapbooking, crafts, creativity

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