'He lives in you~' :'D

Aug 02, 2010 23:31

I cut me some bangs the other night... after... watching... 500 Days of... Shutthefuckup.
Y'know how those birth control commercials show a girl cutting herself some bangs similar? That's how it felt. 8D; But i'm not gonna feel that impulsive at 3AM again. >_>
Gah. They grow out.

Fuck you, by the way, PMSing. I'm on top of the world one day, then you come and OH MY FUCKING ASDFJA;L. Depression like FTW. But then, in a few hours, i'm mad as crap. =/

The thing that got me depressed, I wanna mention, was seeing people's excitement over moving to college and whatnot. I just, i just can't even begin to explain. I mean, get the fuck over it T-- you had no other choice. But still, it saddens me so much that i'll never have had that (ftw?), dorm living and shit. I know it sounds stupid, but the only way i cheer myself up is thinking i'll never hold my children back and do everything i can to help them get to that.

My momma got me some flower hair pins. =) Which are also brooches because they have the hair pin and the pointy pin... how i found out? Poked the fuck out of my finger when i eagerly grabbed it. MADE IN CHINA.

Sammich time~

[It's ticking me off how I MYSELF have the "I" sometimes capitalized and sometimes not. Also that i'm doing it very consciously. There it is again. :/]
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