oh hai! oh bai!

Jun 23, 2010 12:05

This is more for me than anything, just to remember the ludicrous aspect of this.
I had a dream that i cut my own dick off.
:) :) :) :) :) :):
It's crazy that I CUT it more so than i HAD it. Apparently I didn't want my boyfriend of 3 years to know of it. Although, it was a really good one, if i do say so myself. It really was.

Siiiiiigh. Oh my subconscious, how i wish i could understand you.

On some similar news, there's some semi curly hair in the sims :3 i dont which expansion pack it was, 'cause i added them all at once, but at least it's something. EA refuses to admit people with curly hair exist, i guess. will probably go pick up diploma later with jo. we just get an empty cardboard-booklike thing on stage. yeah. :/


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