"Too much of water hast thou, poor Ophelia; And therefore I forbid my tears."

Oct 19, 2009 19:49

God I love that line. It wasn't until that line that I started really seeing how beautiful Shakespeare is, y'know, besides hellish. We just finished reading Hamlet. And oh, we saw this play-movie thing, this is obviously only a piece of movie/play but man the whole thing was hilarious.
Seriously, look if you want a good laugh.

[Don't read below if adorable kitten deaths bother you. I just dont want it behind a cut.]

I laughed a lot and felt good doing so [as anyone does] but felt kinda guilty for it.
I didn't mention its arrival and it's rather sad I'm going to mention his death. A day or two before my birthday we got this kitten, so damn tiny. TOO FUCKING TINY. It fit in my fucking palm, seriously. This little kitty seriously needed his mommy but mom was stubborn and just said keep it and it'll be fine. I would feed it milk in these baggies and it was doing fine for a couple of weeks. Then I fed it solid food and it got very sick. It's poop was horrible, but the kitty was happy as can be; didn't look sick at all. Its poop started sorta getting better, from liquidy yellow [and a bit of blood] to dark brown but still liquidy.
And here I blame myself because mom said I should feed it cat food because it probably needed to move on from milk now so I gave it cat food and it ate it anxiously and... a few days later it began getting worse than before.
God, it breaks my heart so fucking much. From so happy and cute to barely able to walk and meowing hoarsely, more bloody stool and just so pathetic. Now I'm getting teary eyed.
Over the weekend it just didn't wanna eat and I knew it was bad, but I still fed it [milk] by opening its mouth and all. It was incredibly lethargic by the end... oh man now I'm really bawling. ;_; (<-- emoticon does not fully represent emotion) It would just sleep, eyes half open, and I had to lightly blow on its face for it to blink to make sure it was alive. You know it's really bad when the animal knows it's going die, because animals instinctively go to the bathroom far from where they sleep and it would just soil itself. They also go far from where they sleep and curl in a corner, not sure why, probably to not sicken its family when they die. Anyway, it was doing all that.
D'you remember in Terminator 2 [with the kid] how the [well I dont wanna say 'black guy' but I think he is about the only important black character] the guy holding the bomb switch thing is breathing as he's dying? It's sorta funny but not to me anymore really. The kitty was meowing like that last night and that's what I thought of and I just hoped he'd be ok but still kind of knew... I just wished for it to go peacefully because it was just so sad. Today in the morning it was dead and thank gosh in a peaceful position. And it's so sad that it wasn't in the little basket, where there was a lil blanket for it, clean and everything, but it decided to go lay in the plain floor.
Jo and I buried it in my front yard, couldn't think of anywhere else and it was in a far, pretty little corner with flowers and stuff.
 It looked so peaceful.

It can as Rest In Peace.

I'm pretty much just gonna cry it out right now because it was hard as hell going to school and keeping it together.
It kinda looked like Pussyfoot, the iconically adorable looney toons kitten [you DO know who, google it and you'll see]. I wanna go to a shelter and adopt the tiniest kitten in its memory because I, well I have a certain way of baby-talking differently to my pets, and I would call it "tiny tiny kitty kitty. you ish sho tiny. hello. hello kitty kitty." and shiz.
I'm thinking, or trying to, in every rational and natural way but it's still sad, it just is.
To sum it up the stupid The Notebook is on. Movie I love to love to hate to love... eh.


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