These kids...

Jun 08, 2008 15:50

Yesss. Thank you almighty, for helping me make it in one piece.
I already know my summer's gonna be boring and full of suckage, but I can embrace that.

Sadly our school went out in a stupid way. Two massive food fights broke out last wednesday and thursday. It makes me lol a little at how much that sucked-- the embarrassment, I mean, at how much the food fight sucked ITSELF. Sending Gatorades flying in the air every minute around a mod? Not a food fight. Kthnx.(
Ha. PepperBomb'd! although the fume got to where I was, which was waaay far from the mob, and made my friend cough a lot, somehow I was immune.

Eh. I'm not too worried about my report card. I know my french and math grades (A & C) but not chem. I bombed our last two finals and I had a B, I'm just crossing my fingers that is stayed a B, if not, ah well. Doubt I failed the class.

Now, to go eat. This eating disorder thing ain't fun. :/
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