*keyboard smash*

Aug 11, 2007 15:32

Last night. Nightmare liek!woah.

Whyyyyy?! D:

I've had the feeling of something touching me before, last time it was on my feet... too much of a real feeling.
Last night's dream was even weirder. The dream had a plot but I won't get into that. Anyway, my sister and I, her being about 4 years older than me, were lying the floor trying to sleep. There was some sort of war type of thing going on around us, I don't know. o_o Anyway, all of the sudden she curls up closer to me and covers her face with the blankets. I ask her "What's wrong?" She says, "I don't want to see, it's too real," And my face just turns into a perfect WTF? But I still ask, "What are you talking about?" and she whispers back, "he's too real..." In a sort of shaky tone. And then all of the fucking sudden I hear Manson's, Marilyn Manson's, voice behind me and fear strikes me... whaaa--? D: First of all, fake Tery, fear would not strike me at seeing that man... something else would.
He says, "I've never touched one before... I wonder how it feels."
Me, in the dream, pictures him sitting down behind me starting at us. And then, AND THEN, I feel the touch of his finger in my back and feels like a burning prick. MEANWHILE, in real fucking life while I'm sleeping not so peacefully, my back arcs in pain and I shake, how do I know I was doing this in my sleep? Because my body jerked to the side when I woke up, because my body was in a different position, and because I could still feel the finger/s in my back since he poked me more than once.
I just woke up like ASD;LAJLSDAK;   and turned on the light while looking around crazily.
I was so shit'ed. D:
And it was already five in the morning.

Why does this happen? D: Why does it feel so real? And for the second time.


haha. I just noticed. The link for this entry? dieaku.livejournal.com/66686.html........

dream, marilyn manson

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