im really happy rite now and i have no clue why oh well. i been ill with the cold/flu thing so ive basically spent the last 2 days in bed watchen movies its been great seen heathers , american history x , 10 things i hate about you and edward scissor hands all amazen films. i gotta get healthy for tomo though coz im seein shona and ify :) love them so much. i finally got dressed today lol im all comfy in girl boxers and a huge boys jumper its grand. aw i hate it when i fall for a guy it sucks majorly. last nite my mum went on about all her ex boyfriends for like an hour (shes had alot)she went out with a drug dealer and a guy who was crazy about lord of the rings and use to write his diary in dwarfish. heh coz hes cool. i was on the phone to ify last nite for about an hour just catchen up shes well cool. think im spending sat with emma but not sure. hmmm. :D
they look so happy apart from the whole killing thing lol aw wish i looked like her shes sooo hot.
aw chris is doing my head in. hes got his mohawk all done cool coz he knows i love them. and hes like aw u have to come to mine to see it. when will the fuck get it. no matter how cool his hair is i will never ever sleep with him. never ever . lol i am very very sure about this fact.